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Showing posts from January 5, 2011

Thank You Patriot! Final Report on the 2010 Patriot Annual Fund

Patriots, Despite the financial challenges besieging most Americans, you have risen to sustain our mission to ensure that Liberty is extended to the next generation. Your support for our Patriot Annual Fund is more critical now than ever! In the words of Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls," and these times have revealed three things about the spirit and fortitude of frontline Patriots. First, you are not "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" who "shrink from the service of our country" when times are tough. Second, thanks to you, the ranks of American Patriots are growing, and many are taking a much more active stand for Liberty and Rule of Law. In the words of George Washington, we have "put forth new exertions and proportioned our efforts to the exigency of the times." Third, Patriots are so concerned about the current threats t

RCP Today

Having trouble viewing this email? Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Inside RCP Polls Videos Issues Comments Links World Markets Sports January 5, 2011 You can always find the latest political news at . Top 5 Stories on RealClearPolitics GOP Plans to Act Fast to Undo Obama's Agenda - Paul Kane, Wash Post Almost as soon as they take control of the House at noon Wednesday, Republicans will embark on a 20-day plan aimed at undoing major aspects of Presi... As

The Chronicle

Read this on the Web at Chronicle · January 5, 2011 The Foundation "[T]he present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banners, bona fide must we combat our political foes -- rejecting all changes but through the channel itself provides for amendments." --Alexander Hamilton Editorial Exegesis Boehner to have the Constitution read aloud "For the last decade, presidents and Congresses representing both major political parties have caused federal spending, regulation, and debt to explode as never before, with a result that the central government is in truly dire financial shape even as its power to control the most minute details of American daily life h

Founder's Quote Daily

"[H]onesty will be found on every experiment, to be the best and only true policy; let us then as a Nation be just." --George Washington, Circular letter to the States, 1783 Follow The Patriot Post :                You have received this email because you are subscribed to Founder's Quote Daily, a service of The Patriot Post , the conservative journal of record. To subscribe to Founder's Quote Daily and The Patriot Post , link to . To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, link to and log in with your email address.