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Showing posts from October 28, 2011

The Battle Lines are Drawn

Fellow Patriot, Since our inception, The Patriot Post has been plowing fields and sowing seed for the great grassroots awakening that is now underway. We have a vital role to ensure that the movement remains, first and foremost, about the restoration of constitutional integrity, and The Patriot Post is an indispensable voice to maintain the momentum. For the last 15 years, I have had the great privilege of working with an extremely talented and dedicated group of Patriots -- editors, researchers and technical staff -- who form your outstanding Patriot Post team. Together, we have taken The Patriot Post from its humble origin as "The Voice of Essential Liberty" to its current standing as the most highly acclaimed and widely read conservative digest on the Internet. Your Patriot Post team endeavors tirelessly and sacrifices much to meet the great obligation that we owe to our Forefathers -- extending Liberty to th

Friday Digest: Circumventing Congress

Read this on the Web at Subscribe to The Patriot Post — It's Right and It's FREE: click here . Digest · October 28, 2011 The Foundation "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." --James Madison Government & Politics Bypassing Congress to 'Fix' the Economy The Democrat Pity Party Barack Obama wants everyone to know that he's the president, and by golly he's getting impatient. "We can't wait for an increasingly dysfunctional Congress to do its job," he told a Las Vegas crowd Monday. "Where they won't act, I will."

Founder's Quote Daily

"This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Henry Lee, 1825 Follow The Patriot Post :                You have received this email because you are subscribed to Founder's Quote Daily, a service of The Patriot Post . To subscribe to Founder's