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Showing posts from June 6, 2014

Fwd: Caterpillar Inc. Weekly Summary Alert

Caterpillar Inc. added the following items to its Investor Relations website during the week of June 2, 2014 to June 6, 2014. To view the Investor Relations website, please click here . Weekly Stock Summary : Symbol: CAT (Common Stock) :   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Opening Price $102.42 $103.42 $104.42 $104.80 $107.08 Last Trade $103.76 $104.49 $104.31 $106.96 $108.18 Price Change $1.53 $0.73 $-0.18 $2.65 $1.22 % Change 1.5% 0.7% -0.17% 2.54% 1.14% Day´s High $103.94 $104.57 $105.10 $107.12 $108.36 Day´s Low $102.01 $103.05 $104.07 $104.77 $106.98 Volume 3,746,957 3,637,197 2,876,841 5,389,241 4,240,166 For more detailed stock information, please click here . Events : No alerts were distributed this week For a complete listing of our calendar of events, please click here . SEC Filings : Date Form 03/06/2014 4 03/06/2014 4 03/06/2014 4 03/06/2

No Evidence of ‘Credible Threat’ to Bergdahl: Feinstein

Shared from Zite   "I don't think there was a credible threat," Senator  Dianne Feinstein  said today in an interview for Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital with  Al Hunt " airing this weekend. "I have no information that there was." John Hames shared with you:   No Evidence of 'Credible Threat' to Bergdahl: Feinstein Bloomberg - The Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman said she hasn't been convinced that there was a "credible threat" against the life of freed Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl that motivated the White House to keep its plans secret from Congress. Available on the App Store .

Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

Shared from Zite   "After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he would go to Afghanistan and fight American forces there," a Taliban commander in Afghanistan told NBC in a telephone interview. John Hames shared with you:   Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans - Noorullah Noori, one of the five senior Taliban leaders recently released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, has already vowed to continue fighting Americans, according to an NBC News report. Available on the App Store . John Hames

3 clues the White House needs to cover up Bergdahl

Shared from Zite The Soldiers who served alongside Bergdahl and were on the ground with him when he disappeared were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. Why? Would that be anything like the muzzling of the Benghazi survivors? Read more at John Hames shared with you:   3 clues the White House needs to cover up Bergdahl - As more revelations emerge about Bergdahl's disappearance, it becomes clearer that the White House has something really big to hide. Here are three clues: 1. In predictable fashion, those who question the official story must be discredited. The Soldiers who are providing their own on-the-ground recollections

Koch Brothers Donate Millions to United Negro College Fund, Liberals FREAK OUT

Shared from Zite   Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has  denounced  as "un-American." John Hames shared with you:   Koch Brothers Donate Millions to United Negro College Fund, Liberals FREAK OUT - The United Negro College Fund on Friday announced a $25 million grant from the Koch brothers, the much-maligned libertarian philanthropists that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has denounced as "un-American." Available on the App Store . John Hames

O'Reilly on NBC: Obama Has 'Blind Spot' on Trading Taliban 'Monsters' for 'Deserter' Bergdahl

Shared from Zite   I think he's got a blind spot for what the folks think. He doesn't understand how angry the folks get. They don't like deserters. Bergdahl's a deserter.  There's no question about it, he deserted. Guys were killed looking for him. That makes it even worse. And the third thing is,  these Taliban monsters are going to kill people again. Read more: John Hames shared with you:   O'Reilly on NBC: Obama Has 'Blind Spot' on Trading Taliban 'Monsters' for 'Deserter' Bergdahl News Busters - In an interview with the Fox News host on Friday's NBC Today

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit

Having trouble viewing? See it in your browser . Todd's American Dispatch Daily Update Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit A family owned bakery has been ordered to make wedding cakes for gay couples and guarantee that its staff be given comprehensive training on Colorado'...

It's Open Line Friday!

To view this email as a web page, go here. Available Now:  Amazon  | iBooks  | B&N | Indie | BAM! | The Audiobook, Read By Rush Live Now for Rush 24/7 Members: Today's Rush's Stack of Stuff - Posted Every Morning Before the Show Mark Belling of Milwaukee's News/Talk 1130 WISN guest hosted the show. Rush returns Monday!   "We still do have heroes, and D-Day allows those of us who haven't served the opportunity to think about those who are doing for our country more than we are." -Mark Belling    Mark's Stack of Stuff: Read It Here Get to Know Mark :   Audio for Rush 24/7 Members, Live Now at Remembering D-Day Bergdahl Spin Continues Charlie Crist, the Political Chameleon   Listen to Rush anytime and anywhere when you join Rush 24/7 , and also watc