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Showing posts from May 26, 2013

San Francisco Gun Store: 9mm Ammo Stays on Shelves 'About Five Minutes'

 BREITBART.COM 1 Hour Ago San Francisco Gun Store: 9mm Ammo Stays on Shelves 'About Five Minutes' by  AWR Hawkins 26 May 2013, 6:48 PM PDT post a comment Speaking to  the  San Francisco Chronicle , Alcairo said, "It used to take us a month to sell 5,000 rounds. Now we go through that in a week--when we can get them." "It used to take us a month to sell 5,000 rounds. Now we go through that in a week--when we can get them." The demand is not limited to San Francisco. It can be found in any city or town in the United States. And it is not exclusive to gun stores; police departments are feeling a squeeze, as well. On April 8,  Breitbart News reported  that ammo manufacturers were reacting to this ongoing demand by enlarging work forces and, in many cases, producing ammunition 24 hours a day. At that time, ammo makers like Hornady, Remington, and Black Hills all said they were able to find ways to meet such panic-buying onslaughts in the past. However, many of th

Mo. Gov. May Allow Gun Control Nullification to Pass Without His Signature

 THENEWAMERICAN.COM 3 Hours Ago Mo. Gov. May Allow Gun Control Nullification to Pass Without His Signature by  Joe Wolverton In less than two weeks, Missouri could join Kansas in enacting a state law refusing to enforce federal gun control measures. On May 22, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (HB 436) was sent to Governor Jay Nixon . As of this writing, Nixon, a Democrat, has not indicated whether he plans to veto or sign the bill. Earlier this month , both houses of the Republican-controlled state legislature passed the bill by an overwhelming majority. When asked about Governor Nixon's intention, a source inside his office told  The New American  that in an effort to avoid multiplying the  several scandals already plaguing his administration , Nixon would likely let the bill sit on his desk without signing or vetoing it, thus allowing the measure to become law without his participation. According to  Article III, Section 31 of the Missouri state constitution : Every bill whi

Bloomberg’s gun control group smells Democratic blood in Arkansas (video)

 FREEREPUBLIC.COM 2 Hours Ago Bloomberg's gun control group smells Democratic blood in Arkansas (video) Skip to comments. Bloomberg's gun control group smells Democratic blood in Arkansas (video) Conservative Intel ^  | 5-26-13 | David Freddoso Posted on  05/26/2013 5:44:17 PM PDT  by  The Old Hoosier Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group co-founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has begun to follow through on its threat to make an example of Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., for his vote against gun control. This ad expresses "disappointment" with Pryor for voting against a provision that would have expanded the use of NICS background checks. (Excerpt) Read more at  ... TOPICS: Politics KEYWORDS: arsen ;  banglist ;  markpryor Support Free Republic. This July Arkansas will be the fifth State to implement Constitutional Carry! 2  posted on  05/26/2013 5:52:21 PM PDT  by  Jack Hydrazine  (IÂ'm not a Republican, I'm a Conservative! Pubb

Numerous NY sheriffs and county clerks balk at enforcing new gun law

 LEGALINSURRECTION.COM 2 Hours Ago Numerous NY sheriffs and county clerks balk at enforcing new gun law by  William A. Jacobson We wrote the other day about the  refusal of a District Attorney  in upstate NY to prosecute a man for having 9 bullets in his legal 10-round magazine, which exceeded the new state limit of 7 bullets under the so-called SAFE Act. While the District Attorney declined to make a sweeping stand against the SAFE Act, the  vast majority  of county legislatures have passed resolutions against the SAFE Act and  police unions  also have protested the law Numerous Sheriffs and county clerks also are refusing to enforce the law as reported by Gannett,  SAFE Act compliance elusive, upstate sheriffs critical of law : Some upstate officials are balking at provisions of New York's gun-control law, saying the regulations are unclear and burdensome. Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard, for example, said this month that he won't enforce the controversial SAFE Act because

Swedish Citizens Take To The Streets To Combat Muslim Riots

 PAT DOLLARD YOUNG AMERICANS 9 Hours Ago Swedish Citizens Take To The Streets To Combat Muslim Riots May 26, 2013spratico Excerpted from Friatider  – Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police's inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods. The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and concerned citizens, as well as neo-Nazi activists and football hooligans. In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters. The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, "doing as little as possible" to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted

Texas Passes Bill to Train Teachers as Armed Marshals

 CONSERVATIVEBYTE.COM 7 Hours Ago Texas Passes Bill to Train Teachers as Armed Marshals Posted on May 26, 2013 by Conservative Byte This will help to make it so our schools aren't easy targets. Check it out: Texas legislators have sent a bill to Governor Rick Perry that allows schools to train and maintain teachers as "armed marshals" on campuses. The bill, which had already passed the Texas house, enjoyed a bipartisan passage of 28-3 in the Texas senate. According to the Associated Press, the bill enjoyed the strong support of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who "pushed lawmakers to help school districts provide teachers or other employees with special weapons and tactical response training." Dewhurst's pleas were echoed by smaller school districts that could not afford to hire police and other security forces for their schools. Under the bill, trained teachers would keep a firearm in a lockbox "within immediate reach." It allows one armed marshal per 40

‘Stunningly, Breathtakingly Naive’: Newt Gingrich REALLY Didn’t Like Obama’s Terror Policy Speech

 THEBLAZE.COM 8 Hours Ago 'Stunningly, Breathtakingly Naive': Newt Gingrich REALLY Didn't Like Obama's Terror Policy Speech by  Gary O'Neal President Obama in a major speech delivered on Thursday addressed his administration's ongoing efforts to fight the terrorism around the globe. And while  Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)  was been critical of the president's remarks regarding the use of unmanned drones, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich outright dismissed the entire speech as little more than an ode to naivety. "[Obama] says at one point, 'Wars have to end,'" Gingrich said Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley. "Well, Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you,'" the former Speaker said. He characterized the speech as "stunningly, breathtakingly naive." "Right after you have somebody beheaded in London," he added, "you have a bomb go off in Bos

Dogs Corners Home Invasion Suspect Then Homeowner Holds Him at Gunpoint

 GUNSSAVELIVES.NET 7 Hours Ago Dogs Corners Home Invasion Suspect Then Homeowner Holds Him at Gunpoint Escambia County, AL – A homeowner was glad to have his trusted dog in his home this morning when a man kicked in his front door and entered the residence. Police say the suspect was walking down the road around 2am, then chose this particular home, and kicked in the front door. The suspect immediately met resistance from the homeowner's dog, who cornered him. This allowed the homeowner to grab his shotgun, which he used to hold the suspect at gunpoint until police could arrive and make an arrest. The suspect is being held on a burglary charge. The suspect is reported as being 20-year old Glenn Phillips of East Brewton, AL according to . The suspect was reported as being unarmed and neither the homeowner nor the dog were injured. This is a great example of a defensive gun use in which no shots were fired, no one was harmed, and the bad guy ended up behind bars. Be

CBS's Bob Schieffer: 'How About Someone Other Than Holder' Investigating Holder? 'Makes No Sense'

 NEWS BUSTERS 10 Hours Ago CBS's Bob Schieffer: 'How About Someone Other Than Holder' Investigating Holder? 'Makes No Sense' by  Noel Sheppard As NewsBusters has been  reporting , CBS's Bob Schieffer has been coming down hard on the Obama administration in recent weeks. That continued Sunday when the  Face the Nation  host delivered a special commentary wherein he said that Attorney General Eric Holder heading the review of his department "so deeply involved" in the leaks investigation scandal "makes no sense to me" (video follows with transcript and commentary): BOB SCHIEFFER: People often ask me, "Of all the administrations you've covered, which was the most secretive and manipulative?" The Nixon Administration retired the trophy, of course. Since then my answer is which ever administration is currently in power. Information management has become so sophisticated every administration learns from the previous one. Each finds ne

Boston Bombing Jihadist Tamerlan Tsarnaev Stole Gun To Kill Officer From One Of His Throat Slashed Victims

 FREEDOMOUTPOST.COM 6 Hours Ago Boston Bombing Jihadist Tamerlan Tsarnaev Stole Gun To Kill Officer From One Of His Throat Slashed Victims by  Pamela Geller It is now been  confirmed that the Muslims  who blew people up at the Boston Marathon were responsible for the triple murder of three Jewish boys whose throats were slashed on September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the September 11th jihad attack on America. If law enforcement was properly schooled in the jihadic doctrine and Islamic teaching, they would have known that the slaughter of Jews is one of the highest forms of jihad under Islam. If law enforcement were properly trained in the Islamic threat, they would have known that the throat slashing (beheading) of three Jews on the anniversary of September 11 was an act of war. Why didn't they know? Because Islamic supremacist groups, Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas groups like CAIR, have relentlessly worked to dismantle counter-terror programs of any and all references of jihad