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Showing posts from March 30, 2014

Bloody assaults on our liberty going too far

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Bloody assaults on our liberty going too far - Two major things have happened this month that ought to have Americans putting down the remote controls and trading in their ball tickets for some prepper items! Most Americans probably have little awareness of these bloody assaults on their liberty. Those who do know probably have no idea why they should be upset. The Obama administration policy of "spreading the wealth around" has reduced U.S. sovereign economic dominance. We have spent ourselves so crazy that we are giving up the store and then having a garage sale! Heaping on more and more national debt exacerbates everything, but it works perfe

Judge Jeanine Destroys Obama, Again: Obama Singlehandedly Bringing About The Decline Of US

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Judge Jeanine Destroys Obama, Again: Obama Singlehandedly Bringing About The Decline Of US - Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement Putin Vs Obama – America Vs Russia – Ukraine "With all due respect, Mr. President, Putin is a pig but he's been bitch-slapping you since the Edward Snowden mess" Judge Jeannie does it again with her opening statement dicussing the Ukraine, Russia vs America, and Putin vs Obama, where the Pirro declares at the very start that Obama is singlehandedly bringing about the decline of the United States as a world power, something that affects ev

What Happens When "The Workers" Just Don't Care Anymore?

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   What Happens When "The Workers" Just Don't Care Anymore? Zero Hedge - Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, One of the big problems in America today is that a lot of people simply do not seem to care about what they are doing anymore. The level of sloth, laziness and apathy that we are witnessing in this country is absolutely mind-numbing. Of course this is not true of everyone. There are still many Americans that are extremely hard working. But overall, it really appears that people are not taking as much pride in their work as they once did. Some of the examples that I am about to show you are quite funny. Others are more than just a little bit disturbin

Politics: Charlie Rangel and the Democrats' race obsession

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Politics: Charlie Rangel and the Democrats' race obsession - Charlie Rangel has been in Congress way too long, but you know that. He's a race-baiter, but you know that too. So I think that sometimes when Charlie says the things he says, we just brush it off as Charlie being Charlie and we don't figure it's worth paying much attention to. "They are mean, racist people. Now why do I say that? Because in those red states, they're the same slaveholding states. They had the Confederate flag. They became decievecrats. They became the tea party. They've still got the Con

Breaking: Connecticut politicians warned over gun laws

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Breaking: Connecticut politicians warned over gun laws - Politicians in Connecticut and other states that have either threatened to approve or have already passed new restrictive gun laws have received a fair warning from gun rights activists. Perhaps the sentiments of gun owners are best expressed by T.L. Davis, who stated, Those in possession of firearms are not asking the several governments if it is legal for them to have such weapons, they are telling these governments that they are legal and any attempt to confiscate them will be forcefully resisted. Available on th

James Lovelock: environmentalism has become a religion

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   James Lovelock: environmentalism has become a religion - Environmentalism has "become a religion" and does not pay enough attention to facts, according to James Lovelock. The 94 year-old scientist, famous for his Gaia hypothesis that Earth is a self-regulating, single organism, also said that he had been too certain about the rate of global warming in his past book, that "it's just as silly to be a [climate] denier as it is to be a believer" and that fracking and nuclear power should power the UK, not renewable sources such as windfarms. Talking about the environm

Despite Coldest Winter in 100 Years – The Tolerant Left Wants Global Warming “Deniers” Jailed

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Despite Coldest Winter in 100 Years – The Tolerant Left Wants Global Warming "Deniers" Jailed - According to Steven Goddard the US just endured the coldest winter in 102 years. For the first time in over a century Niagara Falls reportedly froze over in January 2014. Lake Michigan was over 90% ice covered this winter – another record. Those denialists should face jail. They should face fines.  They should face lawsuits from the classes of people whose lives and livelihoods are most threatened by denialist tactics. Available on the App Store .

Ruger Six Series Review: An Obsession

Shared from Zite   John Hames shared with you:   Ruger Six Series Review: An Obsession - I figured that I might help you understand my obsession. By Mark Singer In this author's humble opinion it is the best revolver ever offered by Ruger. Available on the App Store . John Hames

The six contradictions of socialism in the United States of America:

Conundrums: The six contradictions of socialism in the  United States of America :   1.  America  is capitalist and greedy -  yet half of the population is subsidized. 2. Half of the population is subsidized -  yet they think they are victims. 3. They think they are victims -  yet their representatives run the government. 4. Their representatives run the government -  yet the poor keep getting poorer. 5. The poor keep getting poorer -  yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about. 6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about -  yet they want  America  to be more like those other countries.       Think about it!     And that, my friends,   pretty much sums up the  USA  in the 21st Century.