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Showing posts from October 26, 2016

Immigrants -- Don't Vote for What You Fled

Immigrants -- Don't Vote for What You Fled Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains. Many of America's legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? I live in Guatemala and I work throughout Latin America. And I want to speak to the millions of fortunate Hispanic immigrants living in the United States – legally or not. I have a question for you: why do you support the same policies in the US that caused you to flee your home country? The policies I’m talking about are those that lead to a bigger and bigger central government. You know only too well that the more power the government has, the more corrupt it becomes. My home country, like most other nations in Central and South America, is very poor. 54% of the population lives in poverty, and 13% live in extreme poverty. Half of all children under five are chroni