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Showing posts from May 18, 2016

Donald Trump Would Put One Of These People On The Supreme Court - Resign or Be Removed: Censure Resolution Introduced for IRS Commissioner Katie Pavlich

Donald Trump Would Put One Of These People On The Supreme Court - Resign or Be Removed: Censure Resolution Introduced for IRS Commissioner    Katie Pavlich Fresh, Conservative, Intelligent Reporting   |   Facebook      Twitter Columnists Tipsheet News Cartoons Videos Must Reads Resign or Be Removed: Censure Resolution Introduced for IRS Commissioner Katie Pavlich House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz has introduced a resolution to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for his stonewalling of the congressional investigation into IRS targeting of conservative groups. [Keep Reading] Hillary, Faux Uniter: Can't We All Just Work Together As Americans? Guy Benson Oversight Committee to EPA: 'We Need Somebody