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Showing posts from February 4, 2015

The Clintons' Truth Deficit Disorder

Shared from Zite   Seinfeld's George Costanza famously quipped: "It's not a lie if you believe it." This is how a Clinton -- take your pick, Hillary, Bill or Chelsea -- makes it through the day. Better living through self-delusion. The Clintons' Truth Deficit Disorder - Seinfeld's George Costanza famously quipped: "It's not a lie if you believe it." This is how a Clinton -- take your pick, Hillary, Bill or Chelsea -- makes it through the day. Better living through self-delusion. John Hames Listen to my podcast!!  

How's the JV Team Doing, Obama?

To view this email as a web page, go here. Available Now:  Amazon  | iBooks  | B&N | BAM! | The Audiobook, Read By Rush Live Now at Rush 24/7: Rush's Stack of Stuff - Posted Every Morning Before the Show "It's not just that ISIS has ramped up the horror, and they are using it to recruit, and they are at war and look the high-tech character of the production. I've heard about their high-tech capability.  This is not a bunch of ragtag neighborhood thugs."  -Rush Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members: How's the JV Team Doing, Obama? Liberals: ISIS Is Very "Un-Islamic"

Alexander: BO's Budget: Will Republicans Rise to the Fight?

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