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Showing posts from December 2, 2016

Townhall Daily - Don't Fall Prey to Bear Propaganda Jonah Goldberg + How Trump Could Ruin His Presidency Ann Coulter

Townhall Daily - Don't Fall Prey to Bear Propaganda Jonah Goldberg + How Trump Could Ruin His Presidency Ann Coulter Fresh, Conservative, Intelligent Reporting   |   Facebook      Twitter      Google      YouTube Columnists Tipsheet News Cartoons Videos Columnists Exclusive: What If the Convicted "Serial Rapist Cop" Is Innocent? Michelle Malkin Students Break Out in Song During Tornado Warning Todd Starnes Donald Trump and the Outstate Midwest Redraw the Partisan Lines Michael Barone Check Your Soul at 'The Daily Show' Brent Bozell Don't Fall Prey to Bear Propaganda Jonah Goldberg How Trump Could Ruin His Presidency Ann Coulter It's Obama, Not the American People, Who Won't Listen David Limbaugh Too many Americans are NOT passing this Constitution quiz. Can you? Promoted By: Hillsdale College Fidel Castro: 60 Years of Fake News Mona Charen A Week of Trumpisms Michael R