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Showing posts from July 31, 2013

We'll All Pay For Detroit

Wednesday, July 31st  Obama Bails Out Detroit Without Knowing It While the federal government refuses to bailout Detroit, looks like federal taxpayers will be stuck with some of the bill anyhow. As it turns out, in order to shirk costs, city officials are crafting a plan that will shift retirees into the new insurance markets that will soon be operating under Obama Care. Who will be footing the bill for this shift to Obama Care exchanges? You and I! This is really a case of not thinking through the consequences of legislation.  I'm not nearly as frustrated with Detroit as I am with Washington and I bet other

Chronicle: Mr. 'Jobs Plan' Visits Scenic City

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BREAKING: Did the FEC Collude with Lois Lerner?

Breaking News from Good morning, The House Ways and Means Committee has uncovered new documents in the IRS scandal, and National Review Online has the exclusive . The content of the e-mails suggests that the IRS colluded with the FEC during a campaign-finance investigation of a conservative group. Eliana Johnson reports . Jonah Goldberg looks back on the George Zimmerman case . When does the editing of audio and video cross the line between reporting and fiction? The answer is easy: when it ignores the facts and tries to sway to the public.

Founder's Quote Daily

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