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Showing posts from February 7, 2013

Bruce Willis Talks ‘Die Hard 6’, Opposed to Gun Control

PATRIOTUPDATE.COM 4 Hours Ago Bruce Willis Talks ‘Die Hard 6’, Opposed to Gun Control by Bruce Willis Talks But post-Sandy Hook and Aurora, the question of violence in media and gun control is one that increasingly comes up in press rounds and Willis has weighed in on the touchy subject of gun control. And he’s against it. “I think that you can’t start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it’s all going to become undone,” Willis told The Associated Press (via NYPost). ”If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn’t they take all your rights away from you?” He also adds that “there’s no way to legislate against insanity.” We’re sure the NRA will send him an awesome gift basket next Christmas.

Calif. seeks to adopt nation's toughest gun laws

SFGATE.COM 1 Hour Ago Calif. seeks to adopt nation's toughest gun laws SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Weeks after New York enacted the nation's toughest gun laws, California lawmakers said Thursday they want their state to do even more in response to recent mass shootings, particularly the Connecticut school massacre. Democrats who control the state Legislature revealed 10 proposals that they said would make California the most restrictive state for possessing firearms. They were joined at a Capitol news conference by San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, along with several police chiefs. "California has always been a leader on the issue of gun safety," Villaraigosa said. "New York has stepped up and stepped forward. California needs to answer the call." Among the measures is one that would outlaw the future sale of semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines. The restriction would prevent quick reloading by requir

House Democrats unveil gun control package; mirrors Obama's

HEALTH.YAHOO.NET 5 Hours Ago House Democrats unveil gun control package; mirrors Obama's by Thomas Ferraro WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the House of Representatives unveiled a broad proposal on Thursday to curb gun violence that mirrors the one offered last month by President Barack Obama, including a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons. But it remained unclear if the proposals will be put to a vote. The House Republican leadership has said it doesn't intend to bring legislation to the floor until the Senate has acted, and there are doubts the Senate will pass gun control legislation. "We know it's going to be tough, but we also know this is important," said Mike Thompson, chairman of the 12-member House Democratic Gun Violence Prevention Task that drafted the proposals. Opponents led by influential and well-financed pro-gun groups charge that new restrictions on firearms would violate the right to bear arms. Backers disagree. They argue

Suspected LA Cop Killer Posted Pro-Obama, Pro-Gun Control, Leftist Rant on the Web

PJMEDIA.COM 12 Hours Ago Suspected LA Cop Killer Posted Pro-Obama, Pro-Gun Control, Leftist Rant on the Web by Bryan Preston Sooper Mexican is following the breaking story of the former Los Angeles police officer who has gone rogue, allegedly shooting three officers and hunting others and their families after he was fired from the police force. The suspect, Chris Dorner, posted a manifesto on the web, but media are ignoring some of its key passages. Dorner’s rant begins with an attempt to justify his crimes, and then reveals a man steeped in typical Think Progress, Media Matters style leftist thinking. He supports strict gun control: Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!! Mia Farrow said

National Sheriffs Association Says It Will Not Support UnconstitutionalGun Laws

GUNSSAVELIVES.NET 9 Hours Ago National Sheriffs Association Says It Will Not Support Unconstitutional Gun Laws – Epic Mustache Spotted Today the National Sheriffs Association announced it will not support unconstitutional gun control laws. The sheriffs also affirm that the Second Amendment is an individual right to keep and bear arms. Extra points to the NSA for the epic mustache and hat in the left of the frame.

Biden to push gun control at event in Philadelphia on Monday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

THEHILL.COM 7 Hours Ago Biden to push gun control at event in Philadelphia on Monday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room by Justin Sink By Justin Sink - 02/07/13 04:15 PM ET Tweet Vice President Biden will continue the White House's push for new gun controls with an event with law enforcement officials in Philadelphia next week. Biden's trip on Monday will likely resemble a trip he took to Richmond late last month, where he met with officials who coordinated the response to the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting. Earlier this week, President Obama traveled to meet with local law enforcement officials and push lawmakers to institute universal background checks on firearm purchasers and ban the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. "We may not be able to prevent every massacre or random shooting. No law or set of laws can keep our children completely safe. But if there’s even one thing we can do, if there's just one life we can save, we've got an o

Colorado Democrats want gun manufacturers held liable for crimes committed with their guns

FOX NEWS 7 Hours Ago Colorado Democrats want gun manufacturers held liable for crimes committed with their guns The owners and makers of assault-style weapons could soon be held legally liable in Colorado for crimes committed with their guns, if sponsors of a new gun-control package have their way. State Democrats unveiled the broad package of measures this week, joined by gun violence survivors from the Columbine, Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings. The eight bills detailed at a press conference Tuesday tackle gun control as well as mental health issues tied to gun violence. Among them are measures to put universal background checks in place for private gun sales and a bill to ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines. But getting the most attention is the gun manufacturer-liability measure. “This is the most aggressive anti-gun legislation ever floated in the country,” Republican Sen. Greg Brophy told Thursday. “To hold everybody in the entire chain of poss

Tennessee homeowner shoots intruder.

Felony Arrest of Lam Duc Hoang CITY OF JOHNSON CITY NEWS RELEASE Prepared By: Inv. Joe Harrah Date: February 7, 2013 Time: 7:30 pm Subject: Felony Arrest Approved By: Sgt. Don Shepard On Thursday, February 7, 2013, officers of the Johnson City Police Department arrested a Lafollette man on Aggravated Burglary and Theft charges. Lam Duc Nguyen Hoang, 27 years old, 2221 Jack Borough Pike, was arrested after he broke into a residence Wednesday, 02-06-13, in the north area of Johnson City and stole items. Mr. Hoang entered the residence through a window at the back of the house and was unaware that a resident was present in the house. The resident located Mr. Hoang in one of the bedrooms while he was rummaging through drawers and ordered him on the floor at gunpoint. The resident stated Mr. Hoang made a sudden move toward the inside of his jacket and was shot in the leg by the resident. Mr. Hoang was present at the residence when officers arrived. He was taken to

Tragedy in LA

 Thursday, February 7th Tragedy in LA KABC’s Terri-Rae Elmer joined Sean to offer the latest updates on today’s breaking news that an LAPD officer, Christopher Dorner, is going on a mass killing spree. “Bring us up to speed,” began Hannity, “Start at the beginning.” “Sunday night there was a shooting of a young couple,” began Elmer, “Now, between then and today, former LAPD office Christopher Dorner put a manifesto online talking about his hatred for the police since he was kicked off the force.” “We believe he’s well-armed,” continued Hannity, “This is very dangerous and there seems to be an underlying agenda here.

Statewide opposition grows against Governor Cuomo's gun control law

EXAMINER.COM 2 Hours Ago Statewide opposition grows against Governor Cuomo's gun control law by Joseph Gilbert Oswego County has become the latest to voice opposition to Governor Cuomo's gun control law, the SAFE Act. County legislators, led by Legislator Terry Wilbur (R-Hannibal) want to go on the record in opposition to the SAFE Act. The Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act of 2013 is the most restrictive gun control law in the country. It was signed into law on 15 January presumably in response to the horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Wilbur believes the law is unconstitutional and that it “We want to have a voice at the table, a voice that wasn’t allowed because they took that message of necessity and crammed it right through,” Wilbur said in an interview with WSYR TV. He also believes the law is unconstitutional and “unfairly targets law abiding citizens” ( Oswego County now joins Ulste

The Pope of American Conservatism

Thursday, February 7, 2013 "The American dream is that you continue to work hard and try to improve your standard of living so that you can afford better and more things for you and your family as you go on through life.  That's what's fundamentally changed, and is in the process of fundamentally changing in our country." -Rush   Transcripts, Rush 24/7 Audio Now at The Pope of American Conservatism Krugman Admits: We Need Death Panels Dr. Carson's 43-Second Health Care Solution Sleepy Obama Sits Through Prayer Breakfast

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