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Showing posts from January 13, 2013

Someone please explain why Fast and Furious gun runner Eric Holder has any place at all in the Biden guncontrol ‘task force?’

FIRE ANDREA MITCHELL! 6 Hours Ago Someone please explain why Fast and Furious gun runner Eric Holder has any place at all in the Biden guncontrol ‘task force?’ Eric Holder’s gun running program of un-tracked guns to Mexico known as Fast and Furious has lead to the death of at least three Americans and hundreds of Mexicans. Yet, somehow, Eric Holder, the gun runner is a part of the so called Biden gun control ‘task force’ that’s looking into ways to limit your Second Amendment rights? The same Eric Holder who was DC district Attorney under BJ Bill Clinton who on tape said legal gun owners should ‘Cower’ in shame like smokers isn’t exactly an unbiased individual who is just looking out for the people. This is the same Eric Holder who in the same video said that people need to be ‘brainwashed’ against guns. Eric Holder, not Joe Biden met with Wal-Mart this past Friday for a propaganda session. Some Wal-Mart stores still guns, but the owner of Wal-Mart is a big Obama/Democrat donor.

Ruger Firearms to Feds: 'Do Not Pass More Gun Laws'

BREITBART.COM 6 Hours Ago Ruger Firearms to Feds: 'Do Not Pass More Gun Laws' by AWR Hawkins 13 Jan 2013, 12:43 PM PDT post a comment To to do this, Ruger has put up a website titled "Take Action Now," where gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters can easily sign and submit a letter to state and federal level government officials to tell them clearly: "Do NOT pass more gun laws." When a citizen puts his or her name on the dotted line, a letter is sent to President Obama and VP Biden, and the site uses the citizen's zip code to determine, and send a letter to, the correct Senator, Representative, governor, lieutenant governor, state attorney general, and other state level officials. For everyone who believes this fight is worth fighting, Ruger has swept all the tedious aspects of contacting your state and federal officials out of the way. Click HERE to join Ruger in this important fight today.

Bill Clinton fibs about gun control

POWER LINE 1 Hour Ago Bill Clinton fibs about gun control by Paul Mirengoff Posted on January 13, 2013 by Paul Mirengoff in Bill Clinton, gun control At a speech before the Conusmer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on January 9, Bill Clinton stated: “Half of all mass killings in the United States have occurred since the assault weapon ban expired in 2005, half in the history of the country.” But that statement is untrue, as Glenn Kessler of the Washngton Post demonstrates. Asked by Kessler about his statement, Clinton’s spokesman declined to comment or to say where Clinton got his numbers. As Kessler, a professional fact-checker, says, “this always makes us suspicous.” It seems clear that Clinton either made up his statistic or presented something he had heard without bothering to see whether it is true. In other words, he either lied outright or showed a reckless disregard for the truth. Some things never change. Recommend this Power Line article to your Facebook friends.

Rahm Emanuel To Move For More Gun Control Laws In Chicago

PAT DOLLARD YOUNG AMERICANS 3 Hours Ago Rahm Emanuel To Move For More Gun Control Laws In Chicago by Chuck Biscuits Jan 13, 2013 Chuck Biscuits Let’s see, the harshest gun laws in the nation have given Chicago the highest gun murder rate, so I guess Rahm just really wants more dead people. Excerpted from The Hill: Rahm Emanuel, who put the brakes on gun control in the Obama White House, is now pushing for broad changes to firearm policies in Chicago. Like President Obama, the Chicago mayor has long embraced gun-control policies, but at times has worked behind the scenes to thwart the movement. As Obama moves to pass new legislation to reduce gun violence after a shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Emanuel wants to strengthen Chicago’s gun laws to address an alarming increase in homicides. In late December, Chicago attracted national attention when law-enforcement officials confirmed the city’s 500th homicide in 2012. Emanuel has previousl

Marsha Blackburn opposes gun control because of ‘hammers’ and ‘hatchets’

RAW STORY 3 Hours Ago Marsha Blackburn opposes gun control because of ‘hammers’ and ‘hatchets’ by David Edwards By David EdwardsSunday, January 13, 2013 12:46 EST Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Sunday said that gun control laws were not the answer to mass shootings because hatchets, guns, cars and video games all had a role in violent deaths in the United States. “What I’m hearing is that people want to make certain that — first of all — that we protect the Second Amendment and their Second Amendment rights — protect their freedom and not impede that,” Blackburn told CNN’s Candy Crowley, adding that the focus should really be on “psychiatric and psychotropic drugs.” “They are also wanting to make certain we get in behind these video games. I watched a couple of these last night in preparation for this segment and, Candy, as a mother and as a grandmother, I was astounded with some of the things I was seeing on ‘Call to Duty’ [sic]. And, of course, we know the Norway shooter w

Kristol: Congress Won't Move Because President 'Didn't Campaign on Gun Control'

VIDEO CAFE 3 Hours Ago Kristol: Congress Won't Move Because President 'Didn't Campaign on Gun Control' Here's the latest excuse to come from Fox News on why Republicans will not cooperate with President Obama on passing any new gun control legislation. According to Bloody Bill Kristol, they're only going to feel compelled to work with him on legislation that he campaigned on. WALLACE: The Obama White House is clearly determined to keep up the pressure for more gun controls in the wake of Newtown. Bill, do you see any sign, and you heard the conversation today between Neera Tanden and Larry Pratt, of a new willingness on Congress to pass this kind of legislation? KRISTOL: No, not much. I assume they'll consider various measures, but ultimately those measures are not really going to do much about it, unfortunately, the mass killings we've had. The President didn't campaign on gun control. Second term presidents do well when they actually try to

The God Given Right to Self Defense

CONSERVATIVEREPORT.ORG 3 Hours Ago The God Given Right to Self Defense by Chip Jones on January 13, 2013 Within the discussion of the 2nd Amendment is an oft forgotten right that is presupposed by the right to keep and bear arms. That is the right to self defense. Not only is that right oft forgotten, it has progressively stripped from us and replaced by an expectation that government will fill that role for us. That belief is both fallacious and self destructive. Back in the day (the “day” referring to the 50’s and 60’s when the author was growing up), we were taught in school about the Constitution and our basic American rights. We were taught, proudly, that we had the right to free thought and speech, the right to a free unfettered press and the right to worship as we chose. Using the right to free speech as an example, we also had another right that managed the side effects of free speech. You see, along with free speech comes the side effect of “empowered idiots” who s