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Showing posts from December 15, 2015

Daily Digest: Religious vs. political Islam, Paris' climate changes, leftist gun control push backfires, and a Star Wars T-shirt ban

Don't Leave Us 'Dead Broke' Hillary Clinton once famously complained about being "dead broke" when leaving the White House. She and her husband have "earned" over $100 million since then. As for us, unlike our government, we function on a balanced budget and our website actually works. But The Patriot Post team depends on you to ensure that remains the case. The year's end is just around the corner, and we have some ground to cover by then. If you can, please make your contribution to our 2015 Year-End Campaign today. We depend completely on the financial support of Patriots like you to keep this priceless resource coming to your inbox. Thank you! — Managing Editor, Nate Jackson View online at:

A Humble Pre-Christmas Effort to Share My Enthusiasm for the Bible