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Showing posts from December 7, 2015

Daily Digest: Obama's teleprompted JV team address, calls for gun confiscation, Lynch worries for Muslims, and a football prayer

Fellow Patriot — Here's why we depend on your support: The Patriot Post is "free" because from our inception in 1996, we sought to offer the timeless message of Liberty to students, military personnel and mission field workers at no charge. That was a high-risk business model, but your voluntary support has sustained our mission and operations ever since. If you are not among those listed above, please consider making your donation towards the Year-End 2015 Campaign today. As of this morning, we are approaching 50% of our funding — if you can, please help push us over the top today. Thank you for contributing to our mission! —Mark Alexander, Publisher Support Our 2015 Year-End Campaign $360,000 DONATE ONLINE

The Most Important State in the 2016 Primary