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Showing posts from November 10, 2011

Great Question -- Glad You Asked!

Fellow Patriots, Predictably, in the closing months of each year I receive some complaints asking, "You told me it was free, so why are you requesting support?" By way of answering that question, let me share an email I received this morning: "Mr. Alexander, Just a note of thanks for all that your Patriot team does to promote Liberty. It does my heart good to know that there are those among the generations that follow mine, who are steadfast in their devotion to Liberty, and to sustaining it for the generations to come. Though I do what I can to promote The Patriot Post , please forgive my small donation. I would like to do more, but I am an old beat up Marine GySgt, and can barely make ends meet now. Semper Fi! Mitch" Patriots, if you are active duty or reserve military, a student or a citizen with limited income, please allow us to provide The Patriot Post as a service to y

Alexander on the Most Noble of American Patriots

Read this on the Web at Subscribe to Alexander's Essays in The Patriot Post : click here . Alexander's Essay – November 10, 2011 The Most Noble of American Patriots Veterans Day 2011: A Tale of Two Marches "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." --John Stuart Mill Semper Vigilo,

Founder's Quote Daily

"Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread." --Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821 Follow The Patriot Post :                You have received this email because you are subscribed to Founder's Quote Daily, a service of The Patriot Post . To subscribe to Founder's Quote Daily and The Patriot Post , link to . To manage your subscription or to unsubscribe, link to and log in with your email address.