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Showing posts from March 12, 2016

Townhall Daily - What I Will Probably Never Understand About The Undying Affection For Donald Trump John Hawkins

  What I Will Probably Never Understand About The Undying Affection For Donald Trump John Hawkins Fresh, Conservative, Intelligent Reporting   |   Facebook      Twitter      Google      YouTube Columnists Tipsheet News Cartoons Videos   Columnists What I Will Probably Never Understand About The Undying Affection For Donald Trump John Hawkins Desperate Tactics Thomas Sowell Is Free Trade Bad for American Workers? John C. Goodman The Manhattan Candidate Ken Blackwell Why is "Tough Guy" Trump so Afraid of Castro? Humberto Fontova How to Do It Paul Greenberg Candidates Behaving Well Rich Galen Banning Fossil Fuel Benefits Paul Driessen Philly's Mayor Wants to Drown City in Soda Tax Jerry Rogers The 'Dam' Iranians Are at it Again D.W. Wilber The Supreme Court Vacancy: A Criminal Who Doesn't 'Leave Fingerprints' Is Still a Criminal Michael Hammond ASCAP and BMI: