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Showing posts from September 9, 2016

Congressman Gowdy HAMMERS Mr Finney Deputy Director for Correspondence Records

TAKEAWAYS: Despite an affidavit signed by Secretary Clinton on Aug. 8, 2015, stating all of her records were turned over to State, in just the last month, State received “a number of disks” from the FBI containing at least 14,900 emails of former Secretary Clinton’s with the possibility for  tens of thousands more, according to Under Secretary of Management Kennedy. State staff was unable to obtain FOIA-able records from former Secretary Clinton during her tenure because they were not informed that those records existed. Although Secretary Clinton testified before the Benghazi Committee that State had 90-95 percent of her emails , State testified they could not properly fulfill Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests because they did not have her records. State’s FOIA process is an outdated, paper-based system that has failed to provide adequate responses to FOIA requesters until forced to do so by court order. Since 2008, State’s FOIA budget has almost tripled from $12.9