Alexander's Essay – April 28, 2011 Patriot Publishing Operations: Down But Not OutFor the first time in 15 years, I have not made my publishing deadline. Please forgive me. We have endured natural disasters and personal tragedies over the years, but still managed to pull the team together, craft the excellent analysis you expect from us, and get The Patriot Post to your inbox on schedule. However, Wednesday our region was hit with weather more severe than the seasonal storms and, consequently, I made the decision to suspend our publishing deadlines. I am thankful to report that your Patriot team and our families are fine. We are without power and will be for some time, but we have roofs over our heads. Many others in our area did not fare so well, and more than 200 lost their lives. Yesterday, and starting again early this morning, we set out with chainsaws, tarps, winches and whatever resources and personnel we could muster, to provide as much relief as possible. As I pause to write this, my sons, who rallied up some other neighborhood muscle, have driven to one of the hardest hit areas to volunteer their time. God willing, I will be back with an essay, A New Dawn for Liberty, next week. In the mean time, our editorial and technical staff will do their best to get tomorrow's Digest out on time, though please note the PDF edition format will not be available again until next week, and our Founder's Quote Daily will also be back on schedule next week. Other website features, Patriot News Review, The Right Opinion, Grassroots Commentary, etc., are all being maintained and up to date. Please pray for those in our areas who have lost family members, homes and livelihoods. Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis! Mark Alexander Patriot News Review
The Right Opinion
Grassroots CommentaryPolicy and Analysis
(Please pray for our Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world, and for their families -- especially families of those fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who granted their lives in defense of American liberty.) |
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