Fellow Patriot, According to our records, you have not donated to The Patriot Post's annual fund in the last eighteen months. There are two days left to raise the remaining $72,563 for our 2011 Independence Day Campaign. If you are able to support us, we invite you to do so. Your support is more critical now than ever before. If you are not able to support us, we remain honored to count you among our ranks as a reader. "A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." --John Adams Thank you for your support! Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis! P.S. If you have already mailed your donation, thank you. Please note that we track donations by email address, so if you have made a recent donation, and have more than one address on file with us, the donation may be linked to that address. Donor Guide:Recommended Operation Support Levels: Recommended Mission Support Levels: Mail your contribution to: Please make your check payable to "The Patriot Annual Fund" and please note your e-mail address on the memo line so we can credit your subscriber account, and so our publisher can thank you. |
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