Fellow Patriot, A question we occasionally receive about The Patriot Post's fundraising efforts concerns the size of our operations budget -- is it too large and is that why we are so persistent in asking for support? The short answer is, no. Our staff works long hours for modest compensation, our facilities are simple, and our fixed operating expenses are as tight as possible. We are a mission-driven service organization, and our commitment has always been, and remains, to use every penny our Patriot Post supporters provide wisely. It takes a skilled team of writers, editors and technical staff to ensure the quality you expect from The Patriot Post. Internet publishing is expensive: it requires sophisticated hardware, custom software, installations and offices. We also have substantial legal, accounting and insurance costs. Yet, our budget is a small fraction of the expenses of other influential conservative organizations, in part because our staff members are not deterred by modest wages, but motivated by the work that we do. (For more detailed information on our budget, please view our expense allocations here.) We still have $219,948 left to raise in order to meet our 2011 Year-End Campaign goal. Please note that if you are a member of the military, a student, missionary, or if you simply don't have the means of supporting us right now, please allow us to provide The Patriot Post as a service to you. But if you are able, please take a moment and make a secure online contribution to The Patriot Post today. (If you prefer to support us by mail, please use our printable donor form, or print the donor guide below.) "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." --Thomas Paine With many thanks for your invaluable support,
Note: Once your donation has been recorded, your e-mail address is removed from our appeal and update lists. When the 2011 Year-End Campaign is complete, we will send you a report. Donor Guide: Recommended Operation Support Levels: Recommended Mission Support Levels: Send your contribution to: Please make your check payable to "The Patriot Annual Fund" and note your e-mail address on the memo line so we can credit your subscriber account, and so our publisher can thank you. |
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