Brief · December 19, 2011 The Foundation"The truth is that the want of common education with us is not from our poverty, but from the want of an orderly system. More money is now paid for the education of a part than would be paid for that of the whole if systematically arranged." --Thomas Jefferson Government"One of the oldest economic maxims, 'if you subsidize something, you get more of it' has created the next trillion dollar-plus bubble for which American taxpayers will be on the hook. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education discovered that published college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007, while median family income rose 147 percent. What is driving those costs? The idea that every high school graduate should attend college, and that government -- meaning taxpayers -- will guarantee loans made to those students. ... [A]s college tuition costs increase, the government makes more funding available to students to pay for them. The more funding available -- guaranteed by the taxpayers, so that colleges never face the possibility of a loan default -- the more they can raise their tuition costs without ever having to worry about getting stiffed. ... If college tuition, aided and abetted by government subsidies, continues to almost triple relative to family income, at some point the amount of debt incurred to obtain a college degree will surpass the additional income one may derive from it. Considering that any attempt to reign in government's role in facilitating these runaway costs is inevitably characterized as 'depriving needy students of critically needed funds,' the trend is likely to continue. Or at least it will until the bubble pops, exactly like the government-abetted housing bubble did. Are Americans ready for another trillion dollar bailout precipitated by irresponsible government?" --columnist Arnold Ahlert When will the college bubble burst? For the Record"President Obama had hoped to be in Hawaii [Sunday] for the start of his 17-day Christmas vacation. Instead, he's stuck in Washington until Congress finishes its work for the year. But in the Aloha State, residents are already abuzz about the first family's trip -- and its high price tag. Figures obtained by Hawaii Reporter reveal the trip is expected to run taxpayers about $4 million. It has already cost taxpayers about $100,000 extra just so first lady Michelle Obama and the president's daughters, Sasha and Malia, could leave Friday before the president, according to White House Dossier. Hawaii Reporter's comprehensive breakdown uses government data to calculate travel, housing, hotel and local costs. 'Hawaii Reporter research shows the total cost for the President's visit for taxpayers far exceeded $1.5 million in 2010 -- but is even more costly this year because he extended his vacation by three days and the cost for Air Force One travel has jumped since last assessed in 2000. In addition, Hawaii Reporter was able to obtain more specifics about the executive expenditures. The total cost (based on what is known) for the 17-day vacation roundtrip vacation to Hawaii for the President, his family and staff has climbed to more than $4 million.'" --Heritage Foundation's Rob Bluey Re: The Left"[Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently] faced questions from liberal '60 Minutes' and conservative investigative author Peter Schweitzer about a 5,000-share Visa stock purchase she made with her husband as the House was considering credit card regulations. She made a 'killing' off the highly sought-after initial public offering. ... While she makes grand gestures toward banning congressional insider trading, San Fran Nan's financial conflicts of interest are once again on display. [Last] week, Reuters columnist Dan Indiviglio pointed to pending House legislation titled the 'New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011,' which is stuffed with natural gas vehicle subsidies: $9 billion worth, to be precise. These very subsidies are championed by Texas billionaire and failed wind farm evangelist T. Boone Pickens. He just happens to be a major stockholder in the company that would benefit from the bill: Clean Energy Fuels. Question the timing? Indeed. As The Washington Examiner's Tim Carney observes: 'While Pickens, a longtime oil and gas man, has been lobbying for natural gas subsidies for decades, his cause has become particularly urgent this month. Pickens owns options to buy 15 million shares of Clean Energy Fuels at $10 per share, according to SEC filings. Those options expire Dec. 28. If Congress could pass the NATGAS Act this month, shares of Clean Energy would skyrocket.' Pelosi just happens to be a stockholder in -- you guessed it -- Clean Energy Fuels." --columnist Michelle Malkin The Gipper"In spite of everything, we Americans are still uniquely blessed, not only with the rich bounty of our land but by a bounty of the spirit -- a kind of year-round Christmas spirit that still makes our country a beacon of hope in a troubled world and that makes this Christmas and every Christmas even more special for all of us who number among our gifts the birthright of being an American." --Ronald Reagan Political Futures"Ronald Reagan didn't pick up his toys and go home like a spoiled brat when things didn't go his way, even after a hard-fought loss in 1976. He supported the winning candidate as he would support today's nominee, no matter who might be chosen. He understood that Republicans can always win when they are united. They have a message the voters understand and support. We can beat Barack Hussein Obama and his socialist message if we are unified, but if we are divided and broadcasting a confusing message -- which is what Obama craves -- it will help him win another four years in the White House. He'll get it, and America will suffer if Republicans spend their time attacking each other. Republicans must understand that the American people are tired of all the intraparty bickering. They want a party that offers solutions, not cat fights." --columnist Michael Reagan Faith & Family"Former Wall Streeter David Goldman pointed out in Of Demographics and Depressions (First Things, May 2009) that the economic slump began in the home mortgage industry because we have no more young marrieds with children than we had in 1969. The home mortgage industry has been the driver of America's post-World War II economic prosperity. ... Can America afford to subsidize the breakdown in the family? Planned Parenthood thinks we can. They see a smaller America with smaller hopes. Just keep shoveling public monies to them and their family banning activities and all will be well. President Obama is suing Texas, Indiana, and Kansas to keep the torrent of federal funds flowing to Planned Parenthood. Not even state governments should be able, according to him, to stop subsidizing this abortion advocacy institution. ... Have we so shackled ourselves to the dogmas of population control and no-growth 'progressive' taxation and regulation policies that we cannot see the obvious way out? Strong families are the engine that drives strong economies. It's that simple." --columnist Ken Blackwell
Culture"Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has been a controversial sports figure ever since he agreed to do an ad for the conservative organization Focus on the Family; the spot aired during the 2010 Super Bowl. ... In the end, the message turned out to be pretty innocuous, and those who tried to censor it looked downright silly. Now Tebow is once again a target for illiberals who find his evangelical Christianity somehow threatening and offensive. ... In an era when other famous athletes are better known for sexting, criminal assault or even murder, it's a mystery why humility and faith would be viewed negatively. True tolerance means allowing others to believe what they choose and to express those beliefs, so long as they do not interfere with the liberty of others. Tebow does not insist that his teammates join him in prayer, nor does he interfere with those who choose a different religious -- or non-religious -- expression of joy and gratitude. ... The illiberal religious bigots believe putting a creche on public property is unconstitutional; but displaying a crucifix in a tax-supported museum is just fine, just so long as it's stuck in a jar of urine. Tim Tebow is not the problem. The real problem is our willingness to be bullied into thinking that prejudice masked as tolerance is acceptable." --columnist Linda Chavez The Gift of LibertyFor last-minute shoppers, there is no better gift than the gift of Liberty. Help ensure that your loved ones will continue to enjoy the blessings of Liberty that our Creator has bestowed upon us. So that we may effectively battle the enemies of what you hold dear, make a secure online donation today to The Patriot Post's 2011 Year-End Campaign. If you prefer to support us by mail, please use our printable donor form. We have $108,300 yet to raise in just 12 days! Thank you! Nate Jackson Reader Comments"Organizations asking for support donations seem to be a big part of my email and regular mail. As the elections are coming up we get more and more requests for financial support. As a retired Navy Senior Chief I find only two groups where my limited funds are worth sharing; The Patriot Post and the NRA. When politicians ask for campaign funds I tell them I donate all my available funds to The Patriot Post and the NRA. I've learned so much from your site and continue to learn. Keep it up. I know my donation wasn't much but I hope it helps." --Vin "To answer Mark Alexander's question in "The Fatal Cycle of Democracy," we have passed the 'tipping point.' The current government interventions and economic issues go deep. But the division of the people is what will be the breaking point. There are more people that stand ready with arms than anyone can imagine. I pray that we can resolve the divisions at the polls. The current administration has done more to divide and conquer this country than any foreign power could ever do. Unless we take a step back to Judeo-Christian values and fall in love again with freedom, there is no future." --Jerry "Our nation is indeed at a critical juncture. Our debt is so heavy that it puts literally everything in jeopardy. The liberal destruction of our Constitution would be a federal crime in many other nations; shadowy figures would drag violators off in the night. Protecting the Constitution should be in the forefront of every Patriot's mind." --George Not surprisingly, the responses to our Digest analysis of the Republican field in Iowa were quite varied. "I am so deeply disappointed in your analysis of the Iowa Republican field of candidates. Mitt Romney has integrity and is most conservative in almost every position important to the survival of our nation. If we as conservatives do not get behind a concerted combined effort to nominate and then elect Mitt Romney as our next POTUS we will lose our essential liberties and the Nation that has been the hope of the world." --Jim "Michele Bachmann is the only true conservative and constitutionalist in the field. She is smart, attractive, and motivated. I am dismayed Tea Party members have not supported her more vigorously." --Fred "Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that understands the issues, especially foreign policy, and who also has the will to take the action necessary to restore the Republic. The rest are part of the welfare/warfare state uni-party (Republicrats) that make up the mainstream in the body politic!" --Mark "I would rather see Newt Gingrich win the nomination than either Ron Paul or Mitt Romney. I realize that in the past Newt did some dumb things and I can report I did to. We are looking to oust a president that has taken this country so far left it teeters on its destruction. We need someone in government that has the ability to reform the system and Newt has the history to show that he can." --Don "Bring back Herman Cain." --Jaaz "Is it too late (and I shudder) to bring back Sarah Palin?" --Eric "I am not thrilled with any of the candidates and would like a complete do over." --Jody The Last Word"[T]here are millions of people in this country who agree with Obama and the rabble who constitute the Occupy Wall Street movement. They resent rich people. In Obama's case, he only resents rich people who don't kick in to his re-election war chest. But even he, who is a multi-millionaire, believes that other wealthy people should hand over their money to the poor. And not in the form of charity, which has always been the American way, but through taxation and federal redistribution. There are several reasons why this should be abhorrent to everyone. For one thing, an awful lot of poor people are leeches. They don't work even when jobs are readily available. And when they're given money, food stamps and housing, they aren't even grateful. They regard it as their due. For another thing, the weaponry used in class warfare is envy, which, along with its Siamese twin, self-pity, are the two most loathsome human emotions. Those who have less than others are told that the only reason for the imbalance is that they've been cheated. ... The truth is, there is nothing noble about poverty, especially not in America, where, thanks to limitless opportunities to improve one's lot, it is probably more difficult to remain poor for more than a single generation than it is to become wealthy." --columnist Burt Prelutsky
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