This is Not Monkey BusinessYou receive our Humor broadcasts, so we know you know what's funny. You know? But do you know what's not funny? How woefully underfunded we are. We can't ignore the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. We're a million bananas behind budget, and we're not monkeying around! It's true. I'll turn the mic over to Christy Chesterton now, standing by with a full report: Fellow Patriots, Help keep Patriot Humor coming to you every week! The Patriot Post's team of editors and staff depend completely on your support to provide these weekly laughs, along with our standard editions featuring real news, policy and opinion -- free of leftist drivel -- to readers around the nation. Please support The Patriot Post's 2011 Year-End Campaign today with your donation -- however large or small. We have 25 days left to meet our budget commitments and must raise approximately $162,000 before year's end. Thank you for your support!
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