Fellow Patriots, There are many outstanding projects currently underway here at The Patriot Post, and I wanted to take a moment to highlight a few of them: First, as a service to you, our editorial team evaluates hundreds of reputable news sources each day for headlines that are relevant to Essential Liberty -- the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values. We post links to the most notable news 24 hours a day -- and post it categorically, which is much more useable than other headline aggregators like Drudge. Additionally, you can easily differentiate between recent and older headlines. Bookmark Patriot Headline Report for your daily news summary, or it is also available via RSS. Please note that we need your help in our Heartland News section, identifying important local media news that may not make the national syndicates. Please use our Heartland Suggest a Headline link next to the Heartland section, to suggest news tips. Second, a member of our management team is available for radio interviews and speaking engagements. Jim Cuffia, Essential Liberty Project Executive Director & Patriot Post Contributing Editor, is a seasoned radio veteran and can address the Liberty angle on just about any political topic you throw his way. To book Jim for an interview, email us at Radio@PatriotPost.US Third, the Patriot Foundation Trust is a means for those who are interested to make living or legacy estate gifts in order to extend Liberty to the next generation, tax free. For more information, please visit http://patriotfoundationtrust.org/ Last, our readers are our best promoters. We do no advertising because we have found that the most effective method for reaching an ever-larger number of Americans with our weekly news and policy analysis is for you to introduce others to the messenger. There are some simple ways you can partner with us today and help spread the flame of Liberty. Find out more here. Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis! |
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