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Alexander: Obama Orders Military to Celebrate 'Gay Pride Month'

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Alexander's Essay – June 21, 2012

Obama Orders Military 'Gay Pride' Celebrations

CinC Using Armed Forces for Political Fodder

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indespensible supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness -- these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. ... [L]et us with caution indulge the opposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." --George Washington (1796)

Just when you thought the Left's campaign of cultural degradation couldn't become any worse, Barack Hussein Obama, ostensibly the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, sent down a decree that the Service Branches must celebrate "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month." The purpose of this mandate is to affirm the minuscule number of homosexuals (2-3 percent) serving in the military ranks -- mostly in rear echelon positions.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta dutifully carried out the order, saying, "During Pride Month, and every month, let us celebrate our rich diversity and renew our enduring commitment to equality for all."

Obama's declaration came during the same week the DoD announced it would comply with atheist group demands that all military editions of the Bible be removed from Base Exchange centers. The complainant had prepped a lawsuit based on the errant notion that "separation of church and state" is enshrined in our Constitution. Naturally, the Obama administration accepted their objection without a fight, based upon the Left's adherence to a so-called "living constitution."

Apparently, Panetta's "enduring commitment to equality for all" applies to sexual preference but not faith. Oh, wait ... maybe it doesn't even apply to sexual preference. After all, when was the last time any Leftist celebrated "Heterosexual Pride Month"?

Make no mistake, Obama's Gay Political Play is a keystone in the Left's macro agenda to undermine the most critical pillar of Liberty, the family. However, there's nothing "gay" about Gender-Disorientation Pathology, and "affirming homosexuals" in any context not only poses a threat to natural families and good military order, but disregards the welfare of millions who manifest this destructive pathology -- merely using them as political pawns.

Rather than provide one lone opinion about Obama's military "Gay Pride Month" mandate, I asked 20 career military officers, five from each of the service branches, to give me their opinions about this mandate. While I value the opinions of many young friends who are among the enlisted ranks, I chose to ask officers, in order to provide a more strategic perspective on this issue.

The responses I received came from those who ranked from O-2 to O-9. Each reported that their sentiments were echoed by virtually all of their colleagues. Each agreed to provide their "personal perspective" without attribution, because the military PC police (Lefty lawyers in the JAG and IG offices) are very persistent at prosecuting Obama dissenters, and these respondents expressed an interest in completing their military careers, abiding by their oaths as military officers, and endeavoring to maintain history's best fighting force in defense of Liberty -- despite assaults from the CinC to the contrary.

Military Active and Retired? Post Your Opinion on Obama's mandate.

What follows are representative amalgamations of comments from members in each service branch, all of whom are combat veterans.


Clinton accelerated the practice of using the military as a political test platform for social policy, pandering to its electoral constituencies. The Obama regime put it in warp speed. ... I will retire soon, and it pains me to see this political crap manifest itself in the ranks of fine young men and women. ... Military service requires a solid foundation in moral virtue because war destroys the societal safeguards that aid civilized society and civilized people in staying grounded. When we remove morality from military service, such as the moral imperatives behind the UCMJ regulations against homosexual behavior and adultery, we risk dislodging the moral compass from its true north bearing. ... This has nothing to do with military readiness and everything to do with political expedience. ... The requirement for even more "sensitivity training," which we already endure for Equal Opportunity (EO) and Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Rape Prevention (SHARP), and resulting UCMJ changes, all detract from the real aim and purpose of training our soldiers to fight and win, wasting his most precious resource, time. ... This mandate is irresponsible and rains down from politicos who are not even remotely acquainted with the reality of ground combat.


I have had to do few things more distasteful in my 36 years than train (read "indoctrinate") my unit members on the new post-Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell (DADT) rules. ... Those of us who have been brought up with legitimate, closely held religious convictions have to bite our tongues and accept the unacceptable. ... We all know it's a load of horse dung, and are just holding our breath for a real CinC to replace the phony one now at the head of the table. ... If being a Christian makes me a bigot, as our Commander-in-Chief indicated (in his reference to people "clinging to their guns and Bibles",) then I willingly wear that title. ... Next up will no doubt be affirmative action for homosexuals to increase their numbers in our ranks. ... When one group, for whatever reason, is given preferential treatment over another, it is ultimately destructive to the command, or the service, or the military writ large. ... Yet to meet one in the fighter community! ... When you consider that the average junior sailor (E6 and below) lives separated from family and friends for months at a time and in worse conditions than the majority of our federal prisoners in order to serve and protect our nation, you'd think that they would be the last people who would have these political mandates imposed upon them by our civilian "leaders." ... Typical of an administration that can't differentiate between equality and Liberty!


There is no evidence that decisively links genetics to homosexuality -- and this lack of a genetic link totally separates this issue from race and gender ... except for political expedience. ... When will the pandering politicians please get their social agenda out of my way so we can do the job we came here to do? ... Everyone who has candidly spoken to me about the issue thinks the DoD's policy towards homosexual conduct is wrong, period, and contributes to a degradation of unit cohesion and effectiveness. The fact that the DoD would then not only allow the conduct, but now endorse it is absolute anathema to anyone with a moral compass. ... Now that we've opened Pandora's box by legalizing homosexual behavior, we are now challenged to figure out exactly what kind of status and rights we are going to bestow on it. As a commander, I would be content if we could simply acknowledge it as a permissible lifestyle and not celebrate it as some kind of panacea that will give our military a tipping-point advantage that will allow us to defeat our enemies. ... Despite the "re-education classes," I will likely continue to hear humorous comments loaded with gay innuendo, all followed by the standard disclaimer, "not that there's anything wrong with that!"


I read Panetta's order ... and it sickened me. Panetta is not part of the "military ranks." Unfortunately his "leadership" of the DoD defines, in part, where the military ranks are, and where we will go. ... I'm not a fan of Hispanic Heritage Month, African-American Whatever, Women's History Month, etc. The posters produced, ceremonies, seminars and luncheons held, and messages that are promulgated are presented under the guise of bringing us all together when, in fact, they mostly define and divide by differences. ... Celebrating one's heritage or behavior is fine as long as it's your celebration, not the DoD's, or the Nation's. ... Lord, please send us a real CinC! ... In my opinion DADT was a very workable solution. If folks did their job and kept their homosexual behavior a private matter, I was OK with that. ... I knew fellow Marines who cheated on their wives, who lied and who stole, but I was never required to celebrate those sins. I could still voice my rejection of those behaviors, and get my fellow Marines to straighten up and fly right. But now I would be dishonorably discharged for such action. ... Numerous studies/surveys of our Marines conclude that the youngsters, who almost exclusively make up front-line combat troops, don't fight for God or country or freedom. They fight for the guys on their left and right. By dividing along the lines of our differences, we erode the foundation of military success. ... Contrary to Panetta's statement, the military doesn't exist to provide opportunities or make people feel good.

Unit Cohesion?

Two comments really sum up the thousands of words I received in response to the Obama "GLBT" mandate.

The first is from Col. Ron Crews, USA retired (emphasis added), who is now director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty: "By openly affirming bisexual and homosexual behavior, military leadership is coming into direct conflict with the morals and standards held almost universally by chaplains and service members of virtually every major faith group in the military. This blatant attempt to 'celebrate' a minority view of political correctness will not endear military families to the military. I want the American public to see just where the current administration is leading our military. They have turned our Armed Forces into a social experiment at the cost of military readiness."

The second is from a Marine: "When I volunteered for the Marine Corps, the military expelled homosexuals. A decade later, Bill Clinton ordered that we ignore homosexuals as long as they kept their sexual preferences a private matter (Don't Ask, Don't Tell). That was OK because few if any of them were in combat units. Last year, Obama and his Leftist congressional cadres obliged the military to endorse open homosexuality (Do Ask, Do Tell). This decision had nothing to do with military readiness and everything to do with political pandering to a loud special interest group. This week, Barack Obama decreed that my Marine Corps would officially 'celebrate Gay Pride Month.' The next step will be to set quotas for homosexuals in the ranks, and to offer marriages and same-sex benefits. I'm preparing for retirement after more than 30 years of service to my country, and more than a few scars to prove it. It grieves me to leave my beloved Corps in such a state, being used as a political crap pot for Obama and his socialist administrators. I have honored my oath. They have deserted theirs. Do citizens give a s--t anymore? Time to wake up. God Bless America! S/F."

Post Your Opinion: Does the Sergeant Major have it right?

When Obama repealed DADT in December 2010, he said, "We are not a nation that says, 'don't ask, don't tell.' We are a nation that says, 'Out of many, we are one.'" But Obama's invocation of "E Pluribus Unum," the national motto proposed by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson in 1776, as the basis for his social agenda to normalize homosexual deviance, is anathema to its definition. That is because Obama's objective is not to unite, but to divide (and conquer) under the pretense of uniting.

George Washington once called on the nation to determine whether we would be united or divided: "We are either a United people, or we are not. If the former, let us, in all matters of general concern act as a nation, which have national objects to promote, and a national character to support. If we are not, let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it."

Indeed, Obama in his capacity as President and CinC, is a monumental farce.

(For more on this issue, read Gender Identity, The Homosexual Agenda and The Christian Response and 10 Reasons Homosexual Behavior Is Unfit for the American Armed Forces.)

Pro Deo et Constitutione — Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis

Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot Post

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