Fellow Patriot, At the dawn of American Liberty, only a small percentage of colonists were willing to join the ranks of Patriots fighting for Liberty. Our contest for Independence, the Revolutionary War, was undertaken by the few on behalf of the many. As Founding Patriot Samuel Adams noted, "It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." That describes YOU! We do not seek support from the majority of our countrymen who serve our nation's Armed Forces, or those who are students, are in the mission field, or are in other service occupations with limited income. We don't ask support from these Patriots because our mission is, in part, to serve them. Thus, we rely on a relatively small pool of our readers for our annual budget. There are just two days left to raise the remaining $152,000 for our 2012 Independence Day Campaign. We are currently about 32 percent behind where we need to be to make budget. Our team of editors and staff depend entirely upon the voluntary financial support of Patriots like you to produce and distribute this vital beacon of Liberty. Please support The Patriot Post today and help us maintain the momentum of the movement to restore our Constitution's integrity. As always, I thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you as editor and publisher of The Patriot Post. We are humbled to count you among our readers. On behalf of our National Advisory Committee and staff, thank you and may God bless you and your family. Pro Deo et Constitutione — Libertas aut Mors P.S. Your support is more critical than ever before. As a measure of our thanks, for a donation of $26 or more, we will send you the gift of your choice. Choose from our new "Liberty" lapel pins in a gold or pewter finish, a bumper sticker packet containing some of our most popular slogans and designs sold through our affiliate organization, The Patriot Post Shop, our revised Essential Liberty Guide or our Essential Liberty Companion Guide to Founder's Wisdom book (donate $52 or more and receive four booklets; contribute $100 or more to receive 10 booklets). Please note that you may also choose to not receive a gift. (Note: The Patriot Post is not sustained by any political, special interest or parent organization, nor do we accept any third-party online or e-mail advertising. Our mission and operations budgets are funded by -- and depend entirely upon -- the voluntary financial support of American Patriots like YOU!) Donor Guide: Recommended Operation Support Levels: Recommended Mission Support Levels: Mail your contribution to: Please make your check payable to "The Patriot Annual Fund" and please note your e-mail address on the memo line so we can credit your subscriber account, and so our publisher can thank you. |
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