Duh!: Feinstein Says She Wants To Go After More Than Just “Assault Weapons”
by Tim Brown
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appeared on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday told host Candy Crowley that the push for gun bans won’t just be about her alleged “assault weapons.”
Feinstein told Candy Crowely that it has “always been an uphill battle,” pointing to her “assault weapons ban” bill. “This is the hardest of the hard, she said.”
“Will it only be ‘assault weapons’?” she asked. “No,” she declared, answering her own question, “most likely there will be a package put together.”
“If assault weapons is left out the package and I’m a member of the Judiciary, number two in seniority, I’ve been assured by the majority leader I’ll be able to do it as an amendment on the floor, which is the way I did it in 1993,” she said. “So that doesn’t particularly bother me. What does bother me is I’ve seen weapons spawned and grown and now in the hands of younger and younger people over these years.”
Sen. Feinstein said, “I think enough is enough. Do military style ‘assault weapons’ belong on the streets of our cities? And the answer, according the United States Conference of Mayors, according to major chiefs of police, according to the largest police organization in the world, is absolutely ‘No.’”
Pardon me, but the traitor Senator from California failed to mention the only thing that does matter when dealing with this issue and that is “according to the United States Constitution” the do belong in the hands of American citizens. Let me be blunt. The Constitution doesn’t give a damn about any of the organizations she cited and what they think. If she and these organizations think things need to be changed why don’t they put forth something to amendment Constitution? But they don’t do that because they know better. Frankly, she and all those who have taken an oath as she had should be put under arrest, tried, and if found guilty of treason against the United States Constitution, which shouldn’t be hard to prove, should be publicly executed for such actions.
While Feinstein claims to have the support of these organizations, notice she does not have the support of the one thing that does matter and that is the United States Constitution.
She was asked if she would concede that the weapons ban she has put forth is a “tough road,” because it’s not just Republicans or Democrats.
She conceded that it was a tough road, but said it was because, “The NRA is venal.” Excuse me why I throw up. This comes from one of the most corrupt politicians warming a seat in the United States Senate!
“The come after you, ” she said. “They put together large amounts of money to defeat you. They did this in ’93 and they intend to continue it, while the opposite can take place too.”
When asked if the NRA was really “venal” or was it that they simply disagreed with her on a matter of policy, Feinstein responded, “The NRA has become an institution of gun manufacturers. This morning, on the front page of the New York Times, I was reading about their program now to provide weapons and training for youngsters from eight years old to fifteen years old and this is supported by the gun manufacturers. In other words, here is a whole other group of people that we can get these weapons to. They just don’t happen to be adults, they’re children.”
Well I certainly have disagreed with the NRA’s Shield program, but I firmly believe in the program to train and educate young kids about gun safety and proper gun use. This will maintain the next generation so that people like Dianne Feinstein fear those of us who properly understand the Second Amendment and realize it is put there to defend ourselves against ogre politicians such as herself who are the real venal people in the matter, gaining too much money and power from anti-gun lobbies to attack the United States Constitution and in the process, attack the American people.
Duh!: Feinstein Says She Wants To Go After More Than Just “Assault Weapons”
by Tim Brown
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appeared on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday told host Candy Crowley that the push for gun bans won’t just be about her alleged “assault weapons.”
Feinstein told Candy Crowely that it has “always been an uphill battle,” pointing to her “assault weapons ban” bill. “This is the hardest of the hard, she said.”
“Will it only be ‘assault weapons’?” she asked. “No,” she declared, answering her own question, “most likely there will be a package put together.”
“If assault weapons is left out the package and I’m a member of the Judiciary, number two in seniority, I’ve been assured by the majority leader I’ll be able to do it as an amendment on the floor, which is the way I did it in 1993,” she said. “So that doesn’t particularly bother me. What does bother me is I’ve seen weapons spawned and grown and now in the hands of younger and younger people over these years.”
Sen. Feinstein said, “I think enough is enough. Do military style ‘assault weapons’ belong on the streets of our cities? And the answer, according the United States Conference of Mayors, according to major chiefs of police, according to the largest police organization in the world, is absolutely ‘No.’”
Pardon me, but the traitor Senator from California failed to mention the only thing that does matter when dealing with this issue and that is “according to the United States Constitution” the do belong in the hands of American citizens. Let me be blunt. The Constitution doesn’t give a damn about any of the organizations she cited and what they think. If she and these organizations think things need to be changed why don’t they put forth something to amendment Constitution? But they don’t do that because they know better. Frankly, she and all those who have taken an oath as she had should be put under arrest, tried, and if found guilty of treason against the United States Constitution, which shouldn’t be hard to prove, should be publicly executed for such actions.
While Feinstein claims to have the support of these organizations, notice she does not have the support of the one thing that does matter and that is the United States Constitution.
She was asked if she would concede that the weapons ban she has put forth is a “tough road,” because it’s not just Republicans or Democrats.
She conceded that it was a tough road, but said it was because, “The NRA is venal.” Excuse me why I throw up. This comes from one of the most corrupt politicians warming a seat in the United States Senate!
“The come after you, ” she said. “They put together large amounts of money to defeat you. They did this in ’93 and they intend to continue it, while the opposite can take place too.”
When asked if the NRA was really “venal” or was it that they simply disagreed with her on a matter of policy, Feinstein responded, “The NRA has become an institution of gun manufacturers. This morning, on the front page of the New York Times, I was reading about their program now to provide weapons and training for youngsters from eight years old to fifteen years old and this is supported by the gun manufacturers. In other words, here is a whole other group of people that we can get these weapons to. They just don’t happen to be adults, they’re children.”
Well I certainly have disagreed with the NRA’s Shield program, but I firmly believe in the program to train and educate young kids about gun safety and proper gun use. This will maintain the next generation so that people like Dianne Feinstein fear those of us who properly understand the Second Amendment and realize it is put there to defend ourselves against ogre politicians such as herself who are the real venal people in the matter, gaining too much money and power from anti-gun lobbies to attack the United States Constitution and in the process, attack the American people.
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