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The God Given Right to Self Defense

The God Given Right to Self Defense
by Chip Jones on January 13, 2013

Within the discussion of the 2nd Amendment is an oft forgotten right that is presupposed by the right to keep and bear arms. That is the right to self defense.

Not only is that right oft forgotten, it has progressively stripped from us and replaced by an expectation that government will fill that role for us. That belief is both fallacious and self destructive.

Back in the day (the “day” referring to the 50’s and 60’s when the author was growing up), we were taught in school about the Constitution and our basic American rights. We were taught, proudly, that we had the right to free thought and speech, the right to a free unfettered press and the right to worship as we chose.

Using the right to free speech as an example, we also had another right that managed the side effects of free speech. You see, along with free speech comes the side effect of “empowered idiots” who say inappropriate things. Yet, unlike today, when we have a government who applies sanctions to “hate speech”, we had something else.

We had the “right to free punch”, as I like to call it.

The right to free punch gave us the individual ability to manage inappropriate speech. If another guy said something truly obnoxious, we warned him. Most sensible guys heeded the warning. Some didn’t and found themselves sitting on the seat of their britches, bleeding from the nose. Welcome, son, to the right of free punch!! Behave yourself, and you won’t have to eat strained food….

But, what I semi-humorously refer to as “the right to free punch” is a God-given right to self defense that our Founding Fathers were so sure of, that they didn’t even codify. Our 2nd Amendment presupposes our right to self defense. That right is simple and given us by our Creator. That right was not only given us, but it was expected of us genetically.

If you question it, stick your hand in the box and try to touch a mother dog’s puppies, or corner an otherwise herbivorous black bear behind a log, or approach the normally docile moose cow when she is with calf….My friend, you’re going to get hurt, and hurt bad. Why is that? It is simply because God gave every creature the right and the genetic obligation to defend him/herself and those close to them.

Yet, with the growth of government, and spirited on by the teachings of big government liberals, we have slowly abdicated both our right to self defense, and lost sight of our individual obligation to defend ourselves and those close to us.

When the mother dog abdicates her responsibility to defend her pups to the pack, the others will be defending themselves and her pups will die. This is the exact phenomenon we see in our cities today. We are growing the population of our urban predators and that population is thriving due to the limited real defense we have other than ourselves. And for those of us who have abdicated our freedom of self defense, the consequences are draconian.

In our defense of the 2nd Amendment, to be truly effective, we need to re-educate and revitalize our own belief in our right and responsibility to defend ourselves, and to give up our self, and species, destructive belief that “the pack” will defend us. In the end, we have only ourselves to count on. And if we are to defend ourselves against those who are armed, we had best be armed just as well, or expect the worst. It matters little if that self defense is from an armed intruder in our home, a common thug on the street, or an empowered tyrant who would finish taking those freedoms we seem to be voluntarily giving up.

Tagged as: 2nd amendment, Free Speech, God Given Right, Self Defense


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