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Assault Weapons' Bans Are Just the Beginning

Articles: 'Assault Weapons' Bans Are Just the Beginning
by Isaac Martin

With Senator Feinstein's gun control bill, another anti-gun deluge has crashed over gun owners. After viewing her weapons ban list, I wonder if another rifle should be added: the Karabiner 98K, or 98K for short.

On the surface, this rifle has zero assault weapon attributes. In fact, it's well-suited for hunting, even though the Second Amendment isn't about that. Start with it being a bolt-action -- i.e., the bolt has to be operated for every shot. Hence, after a shot, the shooter operates the bolt, which ejects the empty shell and, upon closing, loads a fresh round for the next shot.

It's loaded via a stripper clip which holds 5 rounds. Bolt open, the clip -- not the magazine -- is inserted, and the rounds are pushed into the gun's internal magazine. With the bolt closed, the rifle is loaded and ready to fire. Since it holds only 5 rounds, this gun would be legal in New York, with its new 7-round-magazine maximum. The rifle fires a 7.92mm bullet that travels at 2,500 ft./sec., which is comparable to the American .30-06 round typically used for hunting.

But based on its war history, maybe the 98K should be added to the list. If this saves one life, wouldn't it be worth it?

Firearm history shows that the Karabiner 98K was developed by the German gun manufacturer Mauser, and its origins trace back to the rifle used by the Germans in WWI. In 1935, it was designated as the standard service rifle for the German Wehrmacht.

Hence, the 98K was originally designed for only one thing: killing people. According to reports at the time, a trained soldier could fire 15 rounds a minute. Not up there with an AR-15 with 20-round magazines, but deadly nonetheless.

Let's also add a handgun example: the Walther P38. This 9mm semi-automatic was a standard sidearm for the German army. It has an eight-shot magazine, so it wasn't on the ban list, since it holds fewer than 10.

A gun's physical features, such as large-capacity magazine or flash suppressor, form the ban's basis. But maybe there's a far more important element to this issue: the people involved. Here's a rifle and pistol that fit the very parameters of non-ban guns suitable for sportsmen and hunters, yet they were responsible for millions of deaths because of the people who wielded them.

Who is and is not armed is the true gun control issue. Nazi government policy and military rules of engagement permitted German Wehrmacht and SS soldiers to kill and murder millions. During 1941 and '42, mobile SS Einsatzgruppen killing units rounded up Jews and other targeted ethnic groups. Armed with a selection of weapons, including K98 rifles and P38 pistols, they murdered hundreds of thousands in killing grounds throughout Poland and the Ukraine.

Hence, there's one conclusion to take away. It's that the K98 and P38, with no assault weapon features, were designed in their era only for killing, and yet they're not on Feinstein's list. So when gun control advocates claim that the weapons listed are only ones they're concerned about, here are two examples illustrating that any firearm can be utilized for "only" killing people. Under that criterion, any gun can be banned, since all firearms have that potential.

Continuing the historical "who is and isn't armed" perspective, consider the Nazi victims. I have read multiple descriptions of wartime evils unleashed on Jews, and one fact is glaringly repeated: they were unarmed. Consider the April 1943 Warsaw Uprising. Knowing that the Germans were going to deport them, Jews had been working to form the Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO). They smuggled into the ghetto what few guns and little ammunition they could.

On the first day of deportations, German troops marched into the ghetto, expecting Jews to be meekly waiting to be resettled to Nazi death camps. Instead, the Germans were fired upon, and several were killed before they beat a hasty retreat. Imagine the shock of Aryan soldiers being killed by "sub-human" Jews. Ultimately, the Germans prevailed, but at a cost they hadn't bargained on.

In German hands, the K98 and P38 were weapons of war. Captured from dead soldiers, the same rifle and pistol in the hands of a JFO member meant prolonging life.

This illustrates but one reason why the Second Amendment is in the Bill of Rights. The same military guns, designed for killing, also allowed good citizens to strike back at their oppressors instead of remaining helpless victims. This principle applies whether viewed in a macro battlefield environment or the micro environment of a thug invading your home at 3AM.

And yes, the Second Amendment guards against tyrannical government. New York State's radical SAFE act declares that any magazines holding more than 7 rounds must be surrendered or sold out of state within one year. With plenty of armed citizens, at least some of whom most likely will engage in civil disobedience, I doubt that law enforcement is going to be knocking on doors in 2014.


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