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Tragedy in LA

Hannity's Headlines

 Thursday, February 7th

Tragedy in LA
KABC’s Terri-Rae Elmer joined Sean to offer the latest updates on today’s breaking news that an LAPD officer, Christopher Dorner, is going on a mass killing spree. “Bring us up to speed,” began Hannity, “Start at the beginning.” “Sunday night there was a shooting of a young couple,” began Elmer, “Now, between then and today, former LAPD office Christopher Dorner put a manifesto online talking about his hatred for the police since he was kicked off the force.” “We believe he’s well-armed,” continued Hannity, “This is very dangerous and there seems to be an underlying agenda here.” “Here is a guy who is obviously whacky,” quickly replied Elmer, “But he’s intelligent enough to know to stay away from police and not get caught.” “This is pretty scary,” concluded Hannity, “This man has hatred in his heart and this is a pretty scary time.” F or more on this developing story, click here

Jihad Is Real
Pamela Geller and Mike Ghouse stopped by to debate President Obama’s nomination of John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has made headlines saying that Jihad is a “legitimate term.” “We all know what Jihad means and it’s not a legitimate term,” plainly argued Sean, “We know that people are willing to strap bombs to themselves in the name of Jihad but apparently the CIA Director and President Obama do not.” “John Brennan made the statement that we’re not against Islam,” disagreed Ghouse, “John Brennan made about the statement that we’re against those radicals.” “Not really,” pushed back Hannity, “We know that Jihad now means a holy war.” “You’re right, the war mongering Muslims do call Jihad a holy war,” conceded Ghouse. “We know that Jihad is holy war and the idea that the Islamic term Jihad means anything else is insulting to the West,&rdq uo; argued Geller, “Jihad means one thing and we should talk about Jihad for what it is.” “There is a geo-political earthquake brewing in the Middle East and we’re not prepared,” concluded Hannity. Sean has spent the better part of two years covering Jihad and it’s movements, some of that coverage you can find here
Senator Rick Santorum
Sean was joined by former Senator Rick Santorum to talk about his opposition to Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defense Secretary. Santorum’s website,, clearly positions the strong arguments against Senator Hagel. “Hagel is the canary in the mine shaft,” argued Santorum, “I don’t believe that Senator Hagel is prepared to do this job and he’s not the right message to send to Israel.” “I’m looking at what’s happening in Egypt with the rise of these terror groups and everything that could go wrong has,” mentioned Sean, “Everything you said would go wrong has.” “When you have a policy of appeasement, like Chuck Hagel, you’re going to have this,” offered Santorum, “Hagel has taken the use of military off the table and this is just a tip off to where Obama is going in the next four years.” For more on Senator Hagel’s nomination and Santorum’s opposition, visit

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Is Obama A Socialist, A Marxist, Communist or A Combination, YOU VOTE - Posted by Indemiddle

I don't believe Obama is a socialist, Marxist, or communist. What say you? How does his policies differ from his predecessors? If you believe he is one or a combination of the -ist, can you support your claim with something concrete? Oh, do you know the difference between socialism, Marxism, and communism?

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sean spends time recapping the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings.

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