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Growth and Opportunity Party?

Hannity's Headlines

Monday, March 18th

Growth and Opportunity Party?
The Republican National Committee today revealed an extensive report on the perception that Americans have of the Republican Party. It also includes strategies on how fix these misconceptions. The report has been three months in the making, with people at the RNC working to compile information based on focus group data, surveys, conference calls and meetings. I, for one, think this is a good first step. It's no secret that the Republicans have had trouble in recent years. When asked to describe the Republican Party, the report cites words such as "scary," "narrow minded," "out of touch" and "stuffy old men." Those words don't exactly paint the picture of a Party that excites voters or generates enthusiasm. So how did the GOP allow itself to get to this point and what does it need to do to overcome these perceptions? Those are two huge questions that this report attempts to tackle and they are important for the future of this country. Find out more here.

Obama Nominates Perez
Today Obama nominated assistant attorney general Thomas Perez to be the next Secretary of Labor. If you watched Hannity last week, you already know that this is an outrage. Perez has a radical history as an advocate for illegal worker rights. Furthermore, a brand new report from the Justice Department's inspector general shows that Perez played a controversial role in the dismissal of the Black Panther voter intimidation case. Michelle Malkin highlighted Perez's radical past and his role in controversial decisions at the DOJ on Hannity. I detailed this last week so to keep reading, click here!
Roger Ailes: Off Camera
Zev Chafets, author of "Roger Ailes: Off Camera," joined Sean in the show's final hour to talk about his new book. Ailes, who more or less invented modern political consulting and helped Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush win their races for the White House. Then he reinvented himself as a master of cable television, first as the head of CNBC and, since 1996, as the creator and leader of Fox News, the most influential news network in the country. To liberals, Ailes is an evil genius who helped polarize the country by breaking the mainstream media’s long monopoly on what constitutes news. To conservatives, he’s a champion of free speech and fair reporting whose values and view of Amer­ica reflect their own. But no one doubts that Ailes has transformed journalism. Barack Obama once called him “the most powerful man in America”— and given that Fox News has changed the way millions understand the world, it may be true. Zev Chafets explained to Sean that he received unprecedented access to Ailes and his family, friends, and Fox News colleagues. The result is a candid, compelling portrait of a fascinating man. For more on Chafets' new book on Roger Ailes, please click here.

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Dr. Ben Carson for President ? – nunyadb

Was watching a blip of CPAC on the news, seems that the good Dr. said something that was an audience teaser about him magically being made President. So, is a Neuro-Surgeon well enough educated to be President ? What say the masses of the Hannity forums?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean!
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