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Knock Off Jihad? What?

Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, April 25th 

Did We Compromise National Security?
Every day we continue to learn more information about the Boston Marathon terrorists. I’ve written on about the various examples in which we might’ve been able to catch the Boston Bombers before they committed these atrocious acts. What’s worse though is the report from Fox News' Megyn Kelly reports that the FBI was unhappy – she uses the word “stunned” – that a judge showed up to read Dzhokhar his Miranda rights within just 16 hours after he was in custody. FBI officials were under the impression that they would have 48 hours to glean valuable information from the terrorist due to the “public safety exception.” But something happened with the timing and their investigation was cut short. According to those two officials with knowledge of the FBI briefing on Capitol Hill, the FBI feels as though national security may have been compromised as a result. Officials tell the Associated Press that after being Mirandized, Dzhokhar stopped talking immediately. How was that allowed to happen?

Outrageous Statement of the Day: Crazy Uncle Joe Yesterday
Joe Biden attended the memorial service for MIT police officer Sean Collier who was tragically killed by the Tsarnaez brothers last week. During his remarks, Crazy Uncle Joe made a comment that hasn't sat well with many Americans, including yours truly. He referred to the Boston bombing terrorists as “twisted, perverted, knock-off jihadists.” Knock-off jihadists? What a way to demean what is really happening here: Radical Islamists are at war with us. Everyday we are coming to learn more of the Islamist radicalism embraced by Tamerlan Tsarnaev, even texting to family in 2011 that he was “willing to die for Islam.” That is not knock-off jihadism, that is jihad.
You Get What You Deserve
I read today that one out of five are now on food stamps. We’ve now become a society who expects free government health care. You know, there’s a part of me that has the “I told you so” mentality. I know it doesn’t sound right but there’s a part of me that sits back and says, “You know you get what you deserve, when Americans get their crappy health care system and things get so bad next year that you can’t get out from under the bureaucratic mess that’s coming.” You get what you deserve.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
US Confirms Assad Used Sarin Weapons? - Posted by Slackkeymike

So, now what? Does Obama "send in the troops?" I kind of doubt it. This is a huge mess only made worse by inactivity (ours). Now, this could result in untold deaths of American soldiers (by chemical weapons).

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
 Sen. Rand Paul weighs in on domestic drone use and immigration.
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