Film industry pleas for exemption from NY gun control
At least one group of elitist liberals is asking for an exemption from New York State's new gun control law.
Apparently, the ambiguity of the law has some in Hollywood concerned that it would prevent them from using life-like assault weapons on set in NYC. So, naturally they want an exemption.
The irony of this is of course that some of the most vociferous pushing for gun control comes from Sen. Schumer of New York, Sen. Feinstein of California, and Mayor Bloomberg of NYC. Hollywood's support for these type of far left liberal gun-grabbers is usually as loud as it is ignorant.
Loads of money pour into New York City, and as a consequence New York State, from the record-level film production that takes place there and the associated business. Unsurprisingly, gun control advocates failed to think through the consequences of the legislation that they rammed through and may now pay the price.
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