New White House Petition Asking President Obama To Resign
In a recent speech in San Jose, Obama accidentally or on purpose hinted that he would be leaving the White House before his term expires. Certainly, the White House can't be a very cheerful place lately, with Obama under fire for dereliction of duty in Benghazi, followed by a serious cover-up; presiding over an IRS that engaged in a partisan witch hunt; overseeing the largest expansion of citizen surveillance in American history; and attacking the press's First Amendment rights.
Obama's not the only one who thinks it would be a good thing if his second term ended prematurely. On the White House-hosted "We the People", an online petition site, some enterprising citizens posted a petition demanding that President Obama resign:
We petition the Obama administration to:
We Demand President Obama Resign
President Richard Nixon resigned after wiretapping a handful of journalists, sparing the nation the ordeal of impeachment. We call on Obama to do the same. His administration vetted the NSA's surveillance of millions of Americans and seriously violated the Fourth Amendment. He confiscated the personal records of reporters, thus violating the First Amendment, and the IRS under his watch harassed political organizations opposed to his policies. Moreover, his administration has lied under oath to Congress. In addition to violating Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution by invading Libya, his administration engaged in torture and conducted a covert drone war. Due to the severity of these crimes, we call for the immediate resignation of Barack Obama.
Created: Jun 07, 2013
Richard M. Nixon leaving the White House after his resignation.
As for this writing, the petition already as 6,372 signatures. If it gets 100,000 signatures by July 7, than the Obama administration must respond to it.
You can find the petition at
New White House Petition Asking President Obama To Resign
John Hames
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