Obama Says Insurance Will Be 'Significantly Cheaper' Under Obamacare, But That Isn't True
At a White House press conference Friday afternoon, President Obama said that health insurance plans offered by Obamacare will be "significantly cheaper" than plans currently offered on the market, but a string of recent reports say that isn't true.
"What happens on October 1, in 53 days, is for the remaining 15 percent of the population that doesn't have health insurance, they're going to be able to go on a website or call up a call center and sign up for affordable, quality health insurance at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can get right now on the individual market," Obama said on Friday.
But, as CNN reported this week, rates will be 35 percent higher in Florida and 41 percent higher in Ohio.
Obamacare is also projected to drive up health care costs for many people currently on employer-provided plans. The Associated Press reported yesterday that insurance companies "have already warned small business customers that premiums could rise 20 percent or more in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act," and some companies may respond by not paying for insurance coverage for their employees' family members.
Obama Says Insurance Will Be 'Significantly Cheaper' Under Obamacare, But That Isn't True
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