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New York Sheriffs to Gov Cuomo: Enforce your own gun laws, because we won’t

New York Sheriffs to Gov Cuomo: Enforce your own gun laws, because we won't

Reason knocks this one out of the park:

People tend to forget that the state of New York is really at least two distinct entities: the city and its surrounding bedroom communities on the one hand, and the rest of the state on the other. Earlier this year, Governor Andrew Cuomo (smirking at right) and the urban contingent rammed through new gun restrictions that were so well-crafted that lawmakers had to quickly revisit the legislation to exempt law-enforcement officers and to revise the law's requirement for (almost non-existent) seven-round magazines to accommodate ten-round magazines into which state residents are only allowed to load seven cartridges. (Watching New York government in action is less like seeing sausage being made and more like observing chimpanzees mold mud pies.) Now the rest of the state is having its say. Upstate sheriffs, under pressure from enraged constituents, say the state's gun controls are unconstitutional, and they won't enforce the damned law.

New York's SAFE Act was embarrassingly incompetent, allegedly written by Mayor Bloomberg's gun-grabbing fanatics at Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), and may be unconstitutional on both state and federal grounds.

In addition to being an affront to the Second Amendment and the Heller and McDonaldU.S. Supreme Court decisions on the federal level, mostly downstate anti-gun Democrats used a "message of necessity" to bypass the normal law-making process, meaning that there was no time for legislators to even read the law, much less hold hearings, collect evidence, hear testimony, or get feedback from their constituents.

It was railroaded through intentionally short-circuiting the democratic process.

If you follow the link to the article, you'll note that at least one sheriff upstate that has joined up to challenge the law, isn't going to put much effort into enforcing it, either, for fears of outright civil rebellion.


Andrew Cuomo rammed through the NY SAFE Act in hopes of using it to set himself up as the anti-gun tough-guy, the trendsetter, for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primaries.

Considering the legal (and almost civil) revolt he's created in New York over the way he abused power to push an unpopular and unconstitutional law on his people, what do you think he's done to his chances of becoming President of a nation where gun ownership is on the rise?

Tags: Andrew CuomoAnti-Gun LawsNY Safe

New York Sheriffs to Gov Cuomo: Enforce your own gun laws, because we won't

John Hames


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