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Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, October 10th

Shutdown: Day 10
There seems to be some movement in Washington. Perhaps this is the lull before the storm of ideas as to how to proceed on the Continuing Resolution to fund our government and what to do about the debt ceiling. Yesterday Barack Obama met with House Democrats in the White House. Today Obama is meeting with 18 House Republicans in the White House. One would hope that Obama wouldn't invite these Republicans to the White House only to tell them that he isn't going to talk. After all, that's been the line for the last few weeks: Obama and the Democrats refuse to negotiate. Period. End of story. But perhaps declining poll numbers (Obama's approval ratings has slipped to just 37%) has forced the Democrats to come to the table. The Daily Caller points out that George Bush had a higher approval rating that Barack Obama at this point of his presidency. The Democrats and the administration realized that their approach isn't working and the American people are noticing.

ObamaCare Glitches Galore
When it comes to ObamaCare, things could not be going more poorly for this administration. What's clear is that they are trying desperately to isolate the bad PR: Obama didn't call on any TV reporters in his press conference the other day and no questions were asked about ObamaCare. It's sad when Jon Stewart has to be the one to grill this administration – in this case, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius – for answers about ObamaCare. What's even more amazing is when you start to lose members of the Obama-mania media like Wolf Blitzer who seemed to agree that the glitches are so bad, maybe the administration should have taken the GOP's advice and delay. You can't say they weren't warned though. According to an article in Forbes, “We’ve known since at least February that the exchanges were looking shaky … There was a survey by Edifecs, a health-care IT consulting firm, found that 70 percent of insurers were 'skeptical that the [exchanges] will be ready to launch by the October 1, 2013 deadline.' 93 percent said that exchanges were not seeking enough feedback from insurers; 75 percent were 'very concerned with being able to reconcile premium, enrollment, and payment records' from exchanges; and 88 percent were 'concerned about potential disruption to existing IT enrollment infrastructure and processes.'” Yet the administration went forward anyway. Why? Because not going forward would have made them look bad. But is it possible that they miscalculated and that they actually look worse now that this isn't working? I would argue yes. For mo re on this, check out
Who’s In The Meeting?
According to National Review, President Obama is set to meet with GOP leaders today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't deeply skeptical of this meeting; I hope it is because the President is serious about finally negotiating and not just for a photo op. It's possible that he could emerge from this type of meeting to say, “See, I've shown my willingness to talk to the other side of the aisle but they won't budge.” You are right, Mr. President. When it comes to funding our government and ObamaCare, the GOP must hold the line. We will fund every other aspect, except for this train wreck that even Obama-media types like Wolf Blitzer admit need to be delayed a year. ObamaCare is not ready for prime-time and I think Obama's insistence that it go forward is also weighing down his poll numbers. Americans are seeing that Obama's political scoreboard outw eighs common sense. Americans are seeing that liberal, big-government programs aren't as great as they were promised. After all, the taxpayers have spent $634 million on a website that they had three years to build and yet still doesn't function properly! That's government at its finest. And then adding insult to injury, Americans are still required to use this website (even if it doesn't work) or eventually face a penalty for failure to sign up. The optics of these shutdown stories along with the embarrassing rollout of the ObamaCare exchanges has people in America shaking their heads. Washington is making themselves look like fools, and Americans do not suffer fools gladly.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Headlines 
Can He Stoop Any Lower? - Posted by Starflight
This is an excerpt from a letter sent out to Federal Civilian Employees signed by Obama. You do all this in a political climate that, too often in recent years, has treated you like a punching bag. You have endured three years of a Federal pay freeze, harmful sequester cuts, and now, a shutdown of our Govermnent. And yet, you persevere, continuing to serve the American people with passion, professionalism, and skill. None of this is fair to you. And should it continue, it will make it more. The Federal pay freeze endured by those in the DoD came about because HE signed an Executive Order freezing the pay. And it has been more like 5 years not 3. But hey tell one lie why not tell a bunch, right?

>>TV Tonight (Fox News 10pm ET)
Tavis Smiley and Elisabeth Hasselbeck join Sean on the show tonight.  
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