Tuesday, October 22nd | |
Something most of us can agree on is that the rollout of the Obamacare exchanges has been a disaster. Even the president and some delusional Democrats will admit it hasn't been a slam dunk. But the question then becomes: Does the failure of the website rollout translate into bigger issues for Obamacare itself? It depends on who you ask. A brand new poll from Washington Post-ABC News finds that a majority of Americans (56%) believe the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare exchanges foreshadows larger problems for Obamacare itself. Of course it does. If this is what the government comes up with after three years and $634 million, then imagine what the rest of the law has in store for us! This is Not A Republican Thing While the belief that this rollout speaks to bigger Obamacare issues divides along party lines, it is important to note that 55% of independents see the rollout as part of a broader problem with Obamacare. Obama tried his hardest yesterday, giving Americans the sales pitch that “the product is still good.” In fact, I'd encourage you to read this great article that appeared in Tech Crunch: “ Who Said It? President Obama Or An Infomercial?” It nails it when it comes to Obama's deaf tone and over-the-top effort to convince the American people to buy into his healthcare law. But it doesn't seem like the American people are buying what he's selling. Maybe that's because a majority of Americans (53%) also disapprove of Obama's handling of the Obamacare rollout. Obama and his administration officials like Kathleen Sebelius are suffering from a crisis of credibility. I would agree with the assessment from CBS News Political Director John Dickerson who fears the president is headed towards “a credibility depth spiral.” I would argue that Obama's credibility was already in a death spiral before the Obamacare exchange rollout, but this certainly isn't helping him. |
Why Is ObamaCare A Failure? Ron Fournier of National Journal has five reasons why Obama shouldn't just be frustrated by the rollout of the Obamacare exchanges, he should be frightened: It's worse than his team has let on, this is the easy part, it reflects poorly on the president, it reflects poorly on government and it could hurt Americans. He's absolutely right. The fact is that Obamacare will not deliver on the promises Obama made for the last several years. I’ve listed some of the most graphic details on Hannity.com but suffice it to say, this thing is destined to be a failure. How can liberals supporting Obamacare possibly explain these things? They can't, yet their blind allegiance to this president and to the liberal utopian idea of socialized medicine has them pathetically trying to defend this law. Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums John Stewart On ObamaCare Rollout - Posted by Proud Mother and Teacher Jon Stewart did a great segment on the problems of the Obamacare rollout last night. I know that there are some here who find "nothing funny about Obamacare", and I do understand that laughing at it might be beneath you. If you don't want a laugh, don't watch the video. For everyone else, this is hysterical. Warning: The opening part is a little PG-13, but the rest is not. >>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News) Senator Rand Paul on his new constitutional amendment. |
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