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Elections 2013

Hannity's Headlines

 Wednesday, November 6th

Elections 2013
Clearly the two biggest elections on the national stage were the governors races in Virginia and New Jersey. In their own ways they are supposed to represent something grand about the Republican party and conservatism. In New Jersey, Chris Christie won handily with over 60% of the vote. Many people see this as the start of his 2016 presidential campaign. I can understand why some believe that to be the case. Where Christie fails as a potential GOP candidate is that many conservatives believe he isn't conservative enough to really energize the base. When it comes to Chris Christie and his potential 2016 run for president, Ron Fournier has a piece today: 7 Ways Clinton and Christie Could Bungle 2016. He is in no way anointed as the GOP nominee, and this may leave room for a dark horse to emerge, as Fournier points out. The Virginia governors race is even more fascinating.

What About Virginia?
Unfortunately Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli lost, but it wasn't a drubbing. Democrat Terry McAuliffe should have run away with the race, but instead barely managed to eek out the win. The big question to be answered is: what happened? How did a slam dunk for the Democrats turn into a close call? The answer may lie with ObamaCare. Fox News exit polling shows that 53% of voters were opposed to ObamaCare, compared to 46% who supported it. Cuccinelli is an important figure in the fight against ObamaCare at the state level, and the weeks leading up to the election were filled with the stories of website failures, people losing their insurance and the administration lying to us about the true nature of ObamaCare. Cuccinelli himself said that this race came down the the wire because of ObamaCare. For more on Election Day, check out
The Planned Lie
I pointed this out yesterday, but it's outrageous to see that Obama's latest lie about his lie was actually a planned lie. Video shows that Obama read his newest revision of history, as if the administration had plotted and strategized about the exact words they wanted to use in order to tell a new lie: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan … as long as it hasn't changed since the law has been passed. This type of calculation is manipulative and disingenuous. His credibility was already on the line before the roll-out of ObamaCare and the revelation of his years of lies. We have the waffling on the red line in Syria, DOJ spying on journalists, targeting conservatives through the IRS, Benghazi and the YouTube video lie and the bombshell revelations related to the NSA and its pervasive spying, not just on our enemies but on American citizens. Each of these have been met with a varied sense of feigned outrage. Most of them were somehow unknown by the president. Perhaps all of this leads to Obama's approval rating of just 39%? For more on this, visit

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Election Day - Posted by Ryooper2
I'm overall disappointed with the moderate results I saw yesterday.  Bottom line is this country needs radical change and not fence sitters and yet it seems we're not yet ready to make the tough decisions.  I get frustrated watching us create more mediocrity .  We need Reaganesque leadership and we need it now!

>>TV Tonight (10pm ET on Fox News)
Ann Coulter on President Obama's terrible approval rating.
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