Media Matters Dunce Wants 60 Minutes To Retract Benghazi Report
I know you are but what am I?
His name is David Brock and he's got his panties in a twist over the60 Minutes report on Benghazi.
60 Minutes did a new, in-depth report on the attack at the American consulate in Benghazi last year, and it helped to revitalize the national debate over the attack. CBS's report featured an exclusive with a man who recounted what he witnessed, but Media Matters founder David Brock is calling on 60 Minutes to retract the report for a big error.
The key criticism here surrounds the man identified in the report as Morgan Jones (though his real name was confirmed as Dylan Davies afterwards). He told 60 Minutes he was witness to the attack, and described what he saw around him, but a Washington Post report on Thursday says that does not match his earlier testimony on the matter, just three days after the attack on the compound.
Sounds like cause for a correction, maybe. But a full retraction? No. Brock is just like all other liberals who don't want anyone to talk about Benghazi at all.
Brock's letter reads "The 60 Minutes story should be immediately retracted and an independent investigative committee needs to probe all aspects of how the story was reported." He refers to the 60 Minutes report as a "new low" in Benghazi reporting.
See? He doesn't want further investigation of what happened in Benghazi. He wants investigations of reports on Benghazi. What does that tell you?
Media Matters Dunce Wants 60 Minutes To Retract Benghazi Report
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