Obama Administration Gives $29 Million In Free Subscription Meds To Mexican Illegals
Excerpted from Judicial Watch: As if it weren't bad enough that American taxpayers annually dole out huge sums to educate, incarcerate and medically treat illegal immigrants, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) spent tens of millions of dollars to give them free prescription drugs.
In all, CMS, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), blew $29 million to cover Medicare Part D prescription drugs for 4,139 "unlawfully present" individuals that did not qualify for the benefit, according to an HHS Inspector General report. This occurred during a two-year period between 2009 and 2011, according to the agency watchdog.
If you think that's bad, earlier this year CMS paid $91.6 million to health care providers to cover 2,600 ineligible illegal aliens. A 1996 law specifically prohibits illegal immigrants from getting federal healthcare benefits such as Medicare and Medicaid yet it continues to occur, despite audits exposing the violations. How? Because CMS doesn't have policies and procedures that could enable it to detect such "improper payments," according to an HHS Inspector General report released in January. Keep Reading
Obama Administration Gives $29 Million In Free Subscription Meds To Mexican Illegals
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