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"It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn." --George Washington, letter to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1789


Obama Blames Republicans

"One of the problems we've had," Barack Obama explained of ObamaCare, "is one side of Capitol Hill is invested in failure. ... We obviously are going to have to re-market and rebrand, and that will be challenging in this political environment." Two points in rebuttal: First, it's going to take a lot more than "rebranding" to fix the bomb Obama dropped on America. Second, as Obama also admitted, Democrats "had to fight tooth and nail to get this passed" without a single Republican vote, and now Democrats are watching it crash and burn without Republicans having lit the match. Yep, one side invested in failure, but it wasn't the GOP.

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Well That's Embarrassing

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has a job no one wants: Heading up the ObamaCare rollout. Things didn't get any easier for her in Miami, where she was meeting with navigators about signing people up and went down right in front of her. But she took it in stride, saying, "That's okay, it'll come back -- you know, that happens everyday." Yes, that's exactly the problem!

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'We Don't Believe in Handouts'

Addressing fellow Democrats at a fundraiser Monday, First Lady Michelle Obama claimed: "We don't believe in handouts. We don't think anyone should get a free ride." Obama followed up by explaining that unexpected tragedies and events "shouldn't mean falling off a cliff. It shouldn't mean having to go without food, or medicine, or a roof over our heads." Anyone's life can change in a split second, and there are undoubtedly millions of struggling individuals who desperately need assistance. But few presidents have done more to expand the welfare and entitlement states than Barack Obama. Liberals' idea of assistance is government handouts for many who'd rather play victim than do their best to get back on their own feet. Finding that balance is not in the Left's interest.

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And the Winner: Mitt Romney

The latest WashPo/ABC News poll asks voters, if the election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama were held today, who would win? The results: Romney beats Obama 49 percent to 45 percent. And a new Gallup poll reveals 56 percent of Americans now believe that government should NOT be in charge of who has what healthcare.

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Manipulated Jobs Reports?

Leading up to the 2012 presidential election, the unemployment rate declined to 7.8% from 8.1%, which we questioned at the time. Now, there's a report that fake numbers were injected into those pre-election unemployment reports resulting in a lower headline rate. Congress may even now investigate. And if it's true that unemployment reports were manipulated to aid Obama's re-election, it would add to his lies about Benghazi and al-Qaida, as well as IRS targeting of his political opponents, to cast further doubt and illegitimacy to the 2012 results. It brings little comfort to see that, if the election were held today, Romney would win.

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Advancing Statism

Columnist David Limbaugh: "[Obama] told us that only some 5 percent of the American people would lose their plans. Most people, he assured us, get health insurance through their employer and won't be affected. He wants us to forget that he demanded we change the entire health care system for a smaller percentage of Americans than that -- those 8 million to 10 million who not only can't afford health insurance but also don't qualify for any government assistance... Five percent is an insignificant number when Obama has directly caused their harm, but 3 percent is astronomical when it serves his purpose of advancing statism. Too bad for Obama that his problems don't end with this inconsistency, which exposes his hypocrisy and opportunism. He was lying about the 5 percent figure, as well."

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Billions? For What?

According to a report released this week, the Obama administration awarded $4.4 billion in redistributed wealth from taxpayers to 24 states so they could set up their own ObamaCare exchanges. A Fox News analysis found that the states took the money, but redirected their residents to the federal website.

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WashPo's Milbank on Theatrics

Dana Milbank had, let's say, an unflattering review of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's word-twisting rebuttals on ObamaCare: "Carney, at his briefing Monday, didn't deny the [ target of 80 percent would be considered a success] but did his best to qualify it with all sorts of asterisks and fine print about metrics and baskets and site stability and users' experiences and navigators and channels and something about a continuum... Fox News's Ed Henry asked if the 'vast majority' standard could be lowered to 60 percent or 70 percent. Carney droned on about 'the context in which these metrics are being described.'"

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Woodward: Downhill From Here!

One of WashPo's most famous journalists, Bob Woodward, summed up O'Care with a few words this week: "It's going to get worse." Indeed, as Mark Alexander wrote in regard to the ACA's "Silver Lining," the failure of is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg: "Yes, the rollout has been a disaster and the 'sticker shock' will be evident, but those failings are just a mere shadow metaphor for the much bigger disaster to come. The real DemoCare liability is this: From October 1 forward, with increasing frequency, Americans of every political stripe who have any issue with health care, whether a hangnail or heart transplant, a delay in a doctor's office or in critical care for a loved one, will tie blame for their discontent like a noose around the necks of Obama and his Democrats, who were solely responsible for forcing this abomination upon the American people."

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### May Day! Donor Down!

Shefali Razdan Duggal, a member of the DNC's national finance committee, announced that tickets to Obama's upcoming California fundraiser are now half price. "An exciting new update I would love to mention is that we have reduced the price for the general admission luncheon tickets to $500/person," Duggal writes. "In addition, all current $1000 ticket holders will be upgraded to VIP (this includes premium seating near the stage and Presidential rope line access)." Sign us up...NOT!

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Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Nate Jackson for The Patriot Post Editorial Team

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