2013-12-02 14:57:09-05
This boondoggle is falling apart on every side and the dutiful media are trying desperately to prop it up.
This boondoggle is falling apart on every side and the dutiful media are trying desperately to prop it up.
2013-12-02 15:29:57-05
If Republican leadership refuses to acknowledge these patriotic voices now, the party is only ensuring its own demise.
If Republican leadership refuses to acknowledge these patriotic voices now, the party is only ensuring its own demise.
2013-12-02 16:02:10-05
This move would require workers to forego even more of their earnings to purchase a vehicle for someone else that many could not afford to buy for themselves.
This move would require workers to forego even more of their earnings to purchase a vehicle for someone else that many could not afford to buy for themselves.
2013-12-02 16:53:06-05
Though God's Word provides a comprehensive history of mankind's origins and history, scientists are largely unwilling to express any faith in the biblical account.
Though God's Word provides a comprehensive history of mankind's origins and history, scientists are largely unwilling to express any faith in the biblical account.
2013-12-03 11:17:43-05
2013-12-03 11:23:29-05
Our quote of the day...
Our quote of the day...
2013-12-03 11:38:16-05
Candles and carols are important if they light the season. But the spirit on John is crucial – now more than ever. The fruit of repentance is actively awaiting the Awakening in a season and lifestyle called Advent.
Candles and carols are important if they light the season. But the spirit on John is crucial – now more than ever. The fruit of repentance is actively awaiting the Awakening in a season and lifestyle called Advent.
2013-12-03 12:13:58-05
We are in danger. As our national virtue melts away, it strains credulity to deny that we are entering, as Washington warned, a dark era of American despotism. Like water to the gulch, such despotism pervades in the absence of religion and morality.
We are in danger. As our national virtue melts away, it strains credulity to deny that we are entering, as Washington warned, a dark era of American despotism. Like water to the gulch, such despotism pervades in the absence of religion and morality.
2013-12-03 12:16:54-05
Winter is coming. The time to prepare for physical, economic, and spiritual deprivation is now.
Winter is coming. The time to prepare for physical, economic, and spiritual deprivation is now.
2013-12-03 12:17:34-05
As CEO of TrustedSec, Kennedy once before identified security issues within the healthcare site and offered solutions to the problems he found
As CEO of TrustedSec, Kennedy once before identified security issues within the healthcare site and offered solutions to the problems he found
2013-12-03 12:26:54-05
The big mystery, which may cause even more concern, is what Pope Francis intends to do in the future regarding the Kremlin and its "espionage church."
The big mystery, which may cause even more concern, is what Pope Francis intends to do in the future regarding the Kremlin and its "espionage church."
2013-12-03 13:15:18-05
Considering both the agency and advertised company are based in Nigeria, it could suggest this is how people in the region view Obama.
Considering both the agency and advertised company are based in Nigeria, it could suggest this is how people in the region view Obama.
Western Journalism, 42104 N Venture Drive, Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086, USA
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