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On Twitter, @GabrielMalor Posts Stunning List Of Lefties Wrong On Right Wing Violence

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On Twitter, @GabrielMalor Posts Stunning List Of Lefties Wrong On Right Wing Violence - Gabriel Malor of Ace of Spades HQ has had just about enough of the mainstream media making every and any attempt to paint consevatives and tea partiers as a violent, unhinged fringe. In an excellent example of the power of social media, Malor takes down the media's false narrative in a devastating series of tweets.

On Twitter, @GabrielMalor Posts Stunning List Of Lefties Wrong On Right Wing Violence

Gabriel Malor of Ace of Spades HQ has had just about enough of the mainstream media making every and any attempt to paint consevatives and tea partiers as a violent, unhinged fringe. In an excellent example of the power of social media, Malor takes down the media's false narrative in a devastating series of tweets.

Sept 2009: census-taker Bill Sparkman found hanged in rural Kentucky. Media speculated it was Tea Party. (He killed himself.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Feb 2010: Joe Stack flies small plane into an IRS building. Anti-tax TP rhetoric blamed. (He quoted from the Communist Manifesto.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Feb 2010: Amy Bishop shoots colleagues at University of Alabama faculty meeting. Gun-loving Tea Party suspected. (She was an Obama voter.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

March 2010: John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon security. A right-wing extremist, media asked? (A registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

May 2010: massive Times Square car bomb found. Bloomberg speculates it's someone upset about ACA. (Actually, plain vanilla jihadist scum.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

August 2010: Amid GZM debate, Muslim cabbie stabbed in NYC. Media speculates: a RWNJ? (Actually, a Lefty art student off his meds.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Sept 2010: James Lee takes hostages at Discovery Chan HQ. Media speculates: climate change denier? (An environmentalist who hates humans.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Jan 2011: Jared Lee Loughner shoots up campaign event of Rep. Giffords. Media: TP rhetoric is to blame. (An apolitical conspiracy theorist.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

July 2012: James Holmes shoots up theater in Aurora, CO. Brian Ross suggests he's a TPer on live TV. (Just another unmedicated nutter.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

April 2013: Tsarnaev bros bomb Boston Marathon. Media suggests RWNJ commemorating "Patriot's Day." (Actually, just more jihadist scum.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Oct. 2013: Media retroactively blames right wing for JFK assassination. (Actually, LHO was a communist defector.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Dec 2013: student shoots up CO high school w/ shotgun. Denver Post scrubs his self-described "socialist" beliefs. (We're on to you, media.)

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

From John Sexton, who was following Malor's tweets.

@gabrielmalor Dec 2010: Clay Duke shoots at FL school board. Mike Malloy blames Glenn Beck. (Actually, Media Matters among his fav sites.)

— John Sexton (@verumserum) December 14, 2013

And more from Malor:

Aug 2012: Floyd Lee Corkins shoots up @FRCdc based on@SPLCenter's "target list." Media: [crickets]. h/t @JammieWF

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

BTW, to this day, if you type "John Patrick Bedell" into Google, the first autofill "suggestion" is "John Patrick Bedell tea party."

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

The list quickly begins to spread across the right-o-sphere:

@stephenkruiser @TwitchyTeam @gabrielmalor See also Blame Righty: A Condensed History ==>

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) December 14, 2013

The Tweetable Guide To Media Myths And Leftwing Violence:

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

Excellent #Storify of @gabrielmalor's tweets by @jimmiebjr: "On Shooters & Headlines & Media Slander of My Friends"

— DC Dude (@DCDude1776) December 14, 2013

Not Right: Gabriel Malor looks at ideologies behind high-profile violent acts

— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) December 14, 2013

In the end, this summary just about says it all:

@rdbrewer4 Happens every time there's violence where the motive is not immediately known. The media speculates and inevitably suggests RWNJ.

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) December 14, 2013

The MSM has made up their mind about conservatives, tea partiers, Fox News, bloggers, veterans, and the average American in general. It's our job as responsible citizens to make sure America's Ministry of Truth does not go unanswered. Today that charge was led by one man with a good memory and twitter feed. As always, the Right Scoop is here to join the fray.

(h/t Twitchy)

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John Hames


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