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"A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government." --Alexander Hamilton, Essay in the American Daily Advertiser, 1794


Boehner Digs In

House Speaker John Boehner isn't happy with conservative groups who oppose Paul Ryan's bipartisan budget agreement. "They're using our members and they're using the American people for their own goals," he complained Wednesday. "This is ridiculous." Of course, what's ridiculous is a government that spends so much more than it should or can afford. But to be fair, there's not much Boehner can do about that at the moment. But Boehner didn't stop there, either, saying Thursday, "When groups come out and criticize an agreement that they've never seen you begin to wonder just how credible those actions are. Frankly, I think they've lost all credibility." He then added, "I'm as conservative as anybody around this place," which, frankly, isn't saying much. Perhaps the speaker needs to read up on the damage such public infighting can have, and get on with the business of governing like a conservative.

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Conservatism's Goal

Concerning Congress' budget deal, National Review's Yuval Levin puts it in perspective: "In their first budget after re-taking the majority ... the House Republicans wanted discretionary spending to be $1.039 trillion in 2014 and $1.047 trillion in 2015. These budgets were of course described by the Democrats and the political press ... as some reversion to humanity's barbaric past. Yet this proposed deal with the Democrats would put discretionary spending at $1.012 trillion in 2014 and $1.014 trillion in 2015 -- in both cases below that first House Republican budget. ... The goal of conservatives in national politics can't just be to have less of the same: the liberal welfare state at a slightly lower cost. That is basically what a sequester approach to the budget amounts to, after all -- no reform of anything, just a small bit of across the board spending pressure. The goal, rather, should be to transform American government along conservative lines." That's taking the long view.

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Reid on the BIG Lie

As politically vulnerable Demos in the Senate are scurrying away from the ObamaCare train wreck, their intrepid leader, Sen. Harry Reid, yet again repeated Obama's Big Lie: "What he said was true. If you want to keep the insurance you have you can keep it. The problem is, we did not put the bill into effect that way." In other words, you can keep your insurance and doctor, except "we did not put the bill into effect that way." This must be why he exempted some of his staff from ObamaCare. We're as stupefied by Reid's reiteration of this now-infamous lie as was the reporter who asked him about it. Is Reid suffering from acute dementia? Has he been imprisoned in some sensory deprivation tank for the last two months? Or is he, like Obama, thoroughly accomplished in the art of the Big Lie?

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HHS Blocking O'Care Probe?

According to Bloomberg News, "The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told contractors not to cooperate with Congress's efforts to investigate work related to the Obamacare website, a top Republican lawmaker said. The agency informed Creative Computing Solutions Inc. on Dec. 6 that it isn't authorized to disclose security testing information and other details to third parties, according to a letter ... from Representative Darrell Issa to Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius." HHS allegedly ordered other contractors to keep quiet as well. Ironically, it was Kathleen Sebelius who just this week ordered an investigation into the debacle. Just remember: This is the "most transparent administration in history."

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Prior to launching, the estimated cost of building the ObamaCare exchange website had already reached as much as $1 billion. Of course, doing it properly should have cost far less, and that number doesn't include fixing what wasn't done right the first time. But HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told Congress Wednesday that her estimate is now $677 million -- $47 million more than her last congressional check-in. But not to worry: She's demanded a full investigation into the failed management of the rollout ... that she managed.

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Benghazi Security Co. Silenced

ObamaCare contractors ostensibly weren't the only ones being told to hush up. A new report from Judicial Watch claims, "Days after terrorists attacked the U.S. mission in Benghazi, a State Department official ordered an executive at the security company charged with protecting the special compound not to respond to media inquiries, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch." Wouldn't want the truth to get in the way of a pivotal election and Obama's campaign narrative about Benghazi and al-Qaida.

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Not a Good Reason

Joe Biden was out stumping for immigration reform again, by which the Left means amnesty for illegals. In doing so, he pointed to his own family history: "My great-great grandparents came escaping the famine and they didn't all come here legally." So in other words the only reason he's here now is because his great-great grandparents came here illegally? And that's supposed to persuade anyone to go for amnesty?

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Most States Reject Gun Control

The Left has done everything in their power to exploit last December's dreadful massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The only way to prevent these tragic rampages, we're told, is to tighten gun control. Indeed, several states -- notably Colorado and New York -- were quick to implement stringent gun laws, but most states have seen through the rhetoric and actually loosened restrictions. The New York Times reports: "About 1,500 state gun bills have been introduced since the Newtown massacre. 178 passed at least one chamber of a state legislature. 109 have become law. In the 12 months since the mass shooting ... almost every state has enacted at least one new gun law. Nearly two-thirds of the new laws ease restrictions and expand the rights of gun owners." (Emphasis added). Finally, some good news.

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Google Execs' Jet-Fuel Discount

"Top Google Inc. executives for six years flew their private jet fleet on discounted fuel purchased from the federal government that they weren't entitled to buy, according to a new inspector general review released Wednesday," reports The Wall Street Journal. The IG estimates that taxpayers dolled out between $3.3 million and $5.3 million to cover the discount. The Journal notes, "Google executives only were authorized to buy the discounted fuel for government business, but instead also were allowed to purchase it for private flights. The inspector general blamed the situation on an internal government 'misunderstanding' rather than intentional misconduct." You know, just like how Barack Obama "misspoke" his "keep your plan" promise 36 times and counting...

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Learning the Wrong Lesson

Radio talk-show Dennis Prager explains the Left's philosophy on equality: "The left learned from Nazism ... that no judging of cultures is permissible. Because the Nazis deemed Jews and others as inferior, we are no longer allowed to judge other cultures. In the post-World War II world of the left, all cultures are equal. To say that the contemporary Islamic world, or that black inner city culture, has serious moral problems that these cultures need to address is to be labelled dangerously racist -- again reminiscent, for the left, of the Nazis who declared other groups (inherently) defective. For the left, the only cultures one may judge adversely are white American and religious Jewish and Christian."

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Nate Jackson for The Patriot Post Editorial Team

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