Fwd: The Daily Signal: Conservative Lawmakers Reject Obama Impeachment, But … | Senate Considering Bill That Could Wipe Out Many State Pro-Life Laws | This Is Exactly How Central Americans Illegally Cross the Mexico-Texas Border
July 16, 2014 Conservative Lawmakers Reject Obama Impeachment, But …
Conservative lawmakers were asked about Sarah Palin's call to impeach President Obama.
Senate Considering Bill That Could Wipe Out Many State Pro-Life Laws
A sweeping bill that could eliminate many commonsense state laws protecting women from the harms of abortion was considered in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday.
This Is Exactly How Central Americans Illegally Cross the Mexico-Texas Border
As politicians in Washington debate how to best deal with the influx of illegal immigrants from Central America along the southwest border, smugglers continue to transport women, children, and entire families into the country.
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