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About Your Patriot Team

The Patriot Post: Voice of Essential Liberty

Fellow Patriot,

With our Year-End Campaign drawing to a close, you are probably tired of seeing funding appeals. Fundraising is tough, but it's a necessary part of what we do, and I appreciate your patience as we attempt to reach our 2014 funding goal.

So here is a big reason for those appeals. Your Patriot Post team, whose dedication to Liberty shines through in every publication, service and product they produce, depends completely on your support to continue providing this vital resource.

Our team includes key staff here in Tennessee, invaluable editors and contributors across the nation, as well as our Patriot Post Shop staff. Because they are motivated by mission and not deterred by modest wages, our operations budget is but a small fraction of the expenses of other influential conservative organizations.

Notably, we also rely on the enormous effort of many Patriots across the country, whose volunteer time and energy are force multipliers for our staff and mission.

This combined wealth of talent does much more than just "preach to the choir." As the Internet's leading conservative journal, The Patriot Post's reasoned news and policy analysis -- based on sound constitutional doctrine -- is a touchstone for countless grassroots leaders, who recruit many new Patriots to the frontlines in defense of Liberty.

There are only 4 days left to meet our budget commitments before year's end so that we may continue bringing The Patriot Post to you in 2015. As of this morning, we still have $30,267 left to complete our goal.

If you have not done so already, please renew your support for our staff today. Any amount you can give would be deeply appreciated.



I thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you as editor and publisher of The Patriot Post. On behalf of our editors and staff, and National Advisory Committee, I pray for God's grace and blessing upon you, your family, and our great nation in this New Year!

Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot Post

Note: You have the option of making a donation online or mailing a donation with our printable donor form. Once your donation has been recorded, your email address is removed from our appeal and update lists. However, when the campaign is complete, we will send you a report.

Donor Guide:

Recommended Operation Support Levels:

$26 (50¢/week)
$39 (75¢/week)
$52 ($1/week)
$78 ($1.50/week)
$104 ($2/week)

Recommended Mission Support Levels:

Battalion Command: $250
Regiment Command: $500
Division Command: $1,000
Corps Command: $2,500

Send your contribution to:

The Patriot Annual Fund
PO Box 507
Chattanooga, TN 37401-0507

Please make your check payable to "The Patriot Annual Fund" and please note your email address on the memo line so we can credit your subscriber account, and so our publisher can thank you.

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