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Christmas Eve with Buck Sexton!

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BOX-Join-Rush247 On this Christmas Eve, Buck Sexton filled in for El Rushbo. America's Anchorman will be back on Monday, January 5th.

Read It! Buck's Stack of Stuff -- Quotes, Audio Clips, and More

Audio for Rush 24/7 Members:

"I wonder how many times people marching under the same banner yelling the same slogans for the same cause, who have burned down buildings, who have blocked traffic in violation of the law, who have shut down businesses during the most important time of the year for those businesses, who assault police officers with rocks, bottles or punches, how many times can that happen before we stop with the knee-jerk 'usually peaceful protests' thing? A bully maybe only takes your lunch money and punches you in the face once a week, but if he's still waiting there every day it has an effect." -Buck Sexton


"I remember the first five years of this program, maybe the first ten, the month of December there was hardly any controversy, hardly any hard-hitting news.  I mean, there might have been exceptions, but we just don't have any let-up.  There is not a let-up in the intensity of the news."  -Rush A Series of Lies Undermines Our Civilization - 12.23.14

"Based upon the horrific assassinations of the two NYPD officers, there is a movement afoot, it seems, to push back against the movement. Finally now people are feeling a little less terrified at the prospect of calling this for what it is, which is a leftist expression of rage, sort of tantrum of the progressives." -Buck Sexton
"Obama's approach to national security has been, 'Look, I'm smarter than the other guy so I'm not going to do stupid stuff.' But, as we see, man, he's doing a lot of stupid stuff. Mistakes across the board." -Buck Sexton
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