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Townhall PM - Obama: I Have Nothing to Do With Obamacare Rate Increases Katie Pavlich

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Obama: I Have Nothing to Do With Obamacare Rate Increases
Katie Pavlich
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Obama: I Have Nothing to Do With Obamacare Rate Increases
Katie Pavlich
Earlier this week the White House announced Obamacare premiums across the country will increase yet again this year, despite President Obama promising the law would save families $2500 per year back in 2010.
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Adele Endorses Hillary: 'What Happens in America Affects Me Too'
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How much do you know about the constitution?
Promoted By: Hillsdale College
Many Americans know the Constitution well -- they understand how it protects their freedoms and paved the way for a great nation to be built. But many more Americans don't know enough about it. How much do you know about the Constitution?
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Georgetown Right to Life Pro-life Chalk Display Destroyed
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Analysis: Top Political Prognosticator Now Predicts Dem Senate Takeover
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The venerable Cook Political Report is now projecting a gain of five to seven US Senate seats for the Democratic Party, which would wrest control of the upper chamber away from Republicans, and promote Chuck Schumer to the position of majority leader.
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Hillary: Trust Me, I'll Fix Obamacare, or Something
Guy Benson
So let me get this straight: The woman who invented Obamacare in 2008 -- a plan that Obama initially mocked and rejected as a candidate, before adopting it as president -- is going to waltz in and "fix" the mess that she created, and has recently claimed is "working" for consumers? Sure.
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