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The Price of Liberty

The Patriot Post: Voice of Essential Liberty

Legacy of Service: My father (second from left standing), who married the sister of his Navy wingman (second from right kneeling).

Fellow Patriot,
Tomorrow we will pause to honor American Veterans. Among that group was my father, who was both proud and humbled to have served as a naval aviator in World War II, as had his father before him in World War I. It was with Dad's support and encouragement over 20 years ago that I launched The Patriot Post. He was a supporter in every sense of our mission advocating for Liberty.
Dad passed away last year, but his deep kinship with and love for his Greatest Generation peers, and all Patriot veterans and service personnel who followed, continues to inspire our Mission of Service to Patriots in our Armed Services. I write you today to ask your support for The Patriot Post to ensure that our publication remains available to these Patriots, free of charge. We reach a large number of uniformed service personnel, and among our many notable endorsements are these from their military commanders:
"The Patriot Post is read by soldiers around the world, and its timeless message of Liberty is an inspiration for our brave war fighters." —LTG USA (Ret.)
"The unapologetic affirmation of Liberty in every edition of The Patriot Post is a touchstone for our Marines." —LTG USMC (Ret.)
"The Patriot Post reaches out to our sailors, especially those serving far away and in harm's way, affirming their service and sacrifice ensuring the flame of Liberty burns bright." —VADM USN (Ret.)
"Our nation's legacy of Liberty shines through in every edition of The Patriot Post!" —MajGen USAF (Ret.)
Please consider making your donation — no matter how large or small — to our 2016 Year-End Campaign today. We depend solely on the financial support of Patriots like you.

Support Our 2016 Year-End Campaign

Thank you for all you do for Liberty.
Mark Alexander
Publisher at The Patriot Post
P.S. My Dad's story is one that will be familiar in some important ways to anyone with a relative from the Greatest Generation. This column is dedicated to his extraordinary legacy.
Note: You have the option of making a donation online or mailing a donation with our printable donor form. Once your donation has been recorded, your email address is removed from our appeal and update lists. However, when the campaign is complete, we will send you a report.

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