President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum
Some protested by not attending, but President Trump was fantastic! Thank you, President Trump.
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thank you very much thank you and I do
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love Mississippi it's a great place and
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thank you
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governor Bryant for that kind
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introduction and for honoring me with
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this invitation to be with you today I
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also want to recognize Secretary ben
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Carson and his wonderful wife kandi for
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joining us thank you
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Thank You Ben Thank You kandi I
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especially want to thank you justice
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Ruben Anderson great man with a great
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reputation even outside of the state of
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Mississippi I have to tell you that so
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thank you thank you very much and you
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are an inspiration to us all thank you
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judge and we're here today to celebrate
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the opening of two really extraordinary
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museums and I just took a tour the
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Mississippi State history museum and the
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Mississippi Civil Rights Museum to all
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who helped make these wonderful places
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possible we are truly grateful we thank
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you we admire you it was hard work it
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was long hours sell a lot of money and I
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know the governor helped with that you
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know that was a great thing you've done
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that's a great legacy fill right there
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just that in itself but it really is a
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beautiful beautiful place and it's an
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honor these museums are labors of love
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love for Mississippi love for your
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nation love for god-given dignity
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written into every human soul these
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buildings embody the hope that has lived
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in the hearts of every American for
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generations the hope in a future that is
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more just and more free the civil rights
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museum records the oppression cruelty
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and injustice inflicted on the African
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American community the fight to end
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slavery to break down Jim Crow to end
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segregation to gain
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the right to vote and to achieve the
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sacred birthright of equality here
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that's big stuff that's big stuff those
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are very big phrases very big words here
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we memorialize the brave men and women
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who struggle to sacrifice and sacrifice
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so much so that others might live in
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freedom among those we honor are the
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Christian pastors who started the civil
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rights movement in their own churches
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preaching like Reverend Martin Luther
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King jr. man that would have studied and
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watched and admired from my entire life
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that we're all made in the image of our
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Lord students like james Meredith who
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were persecuted for standing up for
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their right to the same education as
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every other American student young
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people like the nine brave students who
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quietly said and they said very
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stoically but very proudly at the
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Jackson Public Library in 1961 and by
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the way I would add the word very
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bravely they said very bravely
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and finally martyrs like Sargent Medgar
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Wylie Evers
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whose brother I just met at the plane
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and who I liked a lot I have to stand up
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please come on stand up you were so nice
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I appreciate it
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you were so nice thank you very much
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medgar joined the US Army in 1943 when
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he was 17 years old he fought in
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Normandy in the Second World War and
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when he came back home to Mississippi he
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kept fighting for the same rights and
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freedom that he had defended in the war
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- Evers became a civil rights leader
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in his community he helped fellow
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African Americans register to vote
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organized boycotts and investigated
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grave and justices against very innocent
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people for his courageous leadership in
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the civil rights movement mr. Evers was
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assassinated by a member of the KKK in
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the driveway of his own home we are
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deeply privileged to be joined today by
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his incredible would have somebody
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that's loved throughout large sections
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of our country beyond this area so I
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just want to say hello to him early
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Murli well how was your morning thank
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you so much
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highly respected thank you
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Thank You Murli and his brothers Charles
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Thank You Charles again for decades they
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have carried on medgar's real legacy and
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a legacy like few people have and few
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people can even think and I want to
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thank them for their tremendous service
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to our nation less than a month before
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- Evers death he delivered a historic
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televised address to the people of
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Jackson on the issue of civil rights in
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that speech he said the following the
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African American has been here in
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America since 1619 this country is his
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home he wants to do his part to help
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make this city state and nation a better
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place for everyone regardless of color
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or race Medgar Evers loved his family
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his community in his country and he knew
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it was long past time for his nation to
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fulfill its founding promise to treat
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every citizen as an equal child of God
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four days after he was murdered sergeant
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Evers was laid to rest in Arlington
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National Cemetery with full military
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honors in Arlington he lies besides men
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and women of all races backgrounds and
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walks of life who have served and
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sacrificed for our country their
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headstones do not mark the color of
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their skin but immortalize the courage
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of their deeds their memories are carved
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in stone as American heroes
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that is what Medgar Evers was he was a
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great American hero
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that is what others honored in this
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museum were true American heroes today
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we strive to be worthy of their
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sacrifice we pray for inspiration from
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their example we want our country to be
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a place where every child from every
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background can grow up free from fear
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innocent of hatred and surrounded by
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love opportunity and hope today we pay
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solemn tribute to our heroes of the past
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and dedicate ourselves to building a
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future of freedom equality justice and
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peace and I want to congratulate your
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great governor and all of the people in
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this room who were so inspirational to
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so many others to get out and get this
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done this is an incredible tribute not
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only to the state of Mississippi a state
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that I love a state where I've had great
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success this is a tribute to our nation
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at the highest level this is a great
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thing you've done and I want to
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congratulate you and just say god bless
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you and God bless america thank you very
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much thank you thank you all very much
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